Quote Originally Posted by sailortats View Post
Phil, I have to agree with what you say. Actually I was enjoying the thread as it was progressing with one small exception.
I did not agree with your statement that the reason we "colonists" show such an interest in royalty is our facination with celebrities. Not an actual quote of course. But, I for one, and I am sure several others, have an actual interest in them and not because of their celebrity.
After all, it is a part of our history.
another Phil
I don't think that I used the word "colonists" but I would be interested in the various reasons why people should be interested in British Royalty. History is an obvious reason and much of historical study is devoted to the various kings and queens over the last 1,000+ years. I have even heard it said that other nations regard Britain as a quaint anachronism in an almost pitying way, with its Royals and all the flummery that goes with them. It must seem a bit odd to someone in a more egalitarian society to see people bowing and scraping before an immensely privileged coterie of individuals whose only justification for existence is an accident of birth. And it does grate when they feel able to pronounce on subjects of which they have no more than a passing acquaintance and even less of an intellectual rigour. I don't think anyone could accuse them of achieving any degree of erudition but then who needs an education if you are stepping into the family firm?
Unfortunately nowadays the cult of celebrity does seem to be the more common reason
for the adulation that seems to accompany them and, of course, they will be very much aware of the importance of this adulation to their continued existence which, in reality, depends upon the whims of a capricious public.