26th January 13, 01:34 PM
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.' Benjamin Franklin
26th January 13, 01:37 PM
Awesome to hear from you again, Jamie! Keep getting well, we need you around here!
"the other" Jamie
Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati
27th January 13, 12:45 AM
Good to hear from you personally Jamie, keep doing what the docs and Star tell you to do. Be well mate.
Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers
27th January 13, 02:03 AM
Delighted to hear of your recovery Jamie and looking forward to you showing us some sartorial verve very soon.
27th January 13, 05:24 AM
Great news that you are on the mend Jamie . Take it easy and take it slow and welcome back.
Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
Best regards
27th January 13, 06:36 AM
Huzzay, my lad! Keep the sword-swinging to a minimum, as well...!
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin
27th January 13, 08:18 AM
It's good to hear that you are on the mend.
Take good care.
 Originally Posted by Alan H
Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.
27th January 13, 08:27 AM
Excellent news Janie! The wonders of modern medical science never cease to astound me. I'm glad that you are progressing well, you'll be back to dancing in no time.
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
27th January 13, 10:22 AM
Make sure you take a lot of good probiotics to offset your floral loss from the antibiotics, Jamie. I have had a lot of those meds in recent months and even with intermittent probiotics I developed a case of thrush (no fun), which is now under treatment.
Glad to hear of your good, steady progress. Cheers
Last edited by turpin; 28th January 13 at 09:40 AM.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
27th January 13, 10:50 AM
 Originally Posted by turpin
Make sure you take a lot of good probiotics to offset your floral loss from the antibiotics, Jamie. I hace had a lot of those meds in recent months and even with intermiottent probiotics I developed a case of thrush (no fun), which is not under treatment.
Glad to hear of your good, steady progress. Cheers
I learned this the hard way almost 13 years ago with my first valve replacement (OUCH!!!) Star had the probiotics ready for me as soon as I came home from the hospital
The good advice and good wishes are appreciated
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
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