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  1. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piipriker View Post
    thanks John, just ordered the last one.

    wish you a happy new year.
    salü Jörg
    I noticed it was the last one when I spotted it and I'm glad you managed to get it. Please post a picture on this thread when it arrives.

    Happy new year to you both as well.

  2. #222
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    This is my recent purchase. The oak tree (leaf) is a strong symbol in Greek mythology (in reference to Zeus), thus tying together both halves of my heritage Greek and Scottish. I will be placing this pin on my Morrison Green Ancient kilt, as soon as Mr. Newsome completes it.

    Here's the tartan:

    Last edited by azwildcat96; 26th March 14 at 08:19 PM.
    "When I wear my Kilt, God looks down with pride and the Devil looks up with envy." --Unknown
    Proud Chief of Clan Bacon. You know you want some!

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  4. #223
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    Should I choose?

    I found this thread while searching for an answer so in addition to showing you my kilt pins, maybe the rabble can help me out. I have two competing sentiments and best practices fighting within me regarding kilt pins. One is the notion that ornate and sterling kilt pins are best for evening wear and rustic pins are best for day wear. The other is the idea that you should leave your kilt pin on your kilt to avoid the damage caused by frequent pin swapping. I know Richard doesn't even wear a kilt pin for this reason. I also only have four kilts and a few more kilt pins than that so if I was going to choose four to cover all occasions, can you help me choose the best of the bunch?

    Assume, for the sake of Argument, that I'd reserve my Clanranald modern 16 oz Locharron strome 8 yard kilt for formal occasions and so it would get the top pin.

    The Clan Donald military kilt, my 6 yard HOE 13 oz Clanranald modern and my 8 yard HOE 13 oz Clanranald ancient would all be used primarily for day wear in various climates in this scenario.

    The collection - to give you a rough idea of scale.

    Sterling silver frog - thrift store find from this evening.

    Sterling silver penannular brooch

    Vintage sterling, agate, cairngorum and citrine dirk kilt pin - strangely, the reddish brown agate etc.. makes this one less flashy than the others.

    Grouse claw and amethyst silvertone kilt pin

    DIY Antler/stag horn kilt pin

    Stainless steel or chrome abstract bird pin. I just liked it.

    This is the corporate pin of Wm. Glen and Son that they give out with kilt hires. Silver tone. I have to admit, I like it, notwithstanding the corporate branding.

    Silver tone Sally Ann Celtic pin.

    Classic/ubiquitous sword - metal is nothing special but far sturdier than the pewter ones I have owned.
    Last edited by Nathan; 10th June 14 at 09:03 PM.
    Natan Easbaig Mac Dhòmhnaill, FSA Scot
    Past High Commissioner, Clan Donald Canada
    “Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.” - The Canadian Boat Song.

  5. #224
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    That's quite a collection! I think the best practice is one pin per kilt and no changing. This protects your kilt from unnecessary damage. I like the options below the best. If you want to get some use out of the other ones, buy more kilts

    Sterling silver penannular brooch

    Stainless steel or chrome abstract bird pin. I just liked it.

    This is the corporate pin of Wm. Glen and Sons that they give out with kilt hires. Silver tone. I have to admit, I like it, notwithstanding the corporate branding.

    Silver tone Sally Ann Celtic pin.
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

  6. The Following User Says 'Aye' to CMcG For This Useful Post:

  7. #225
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    I'm fascinated by your last three answers. You picked the three cheapest and least likely to make the cut going in. Thanks for the reply!
    Natan Easbaig Mac Dhòmhnaill, FSA Scot
    Past High Commissioner, Clan Donald Canada
    “Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.” - The Canadian Boat Song.

  8. #226
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    My votes: 1. Abstract Bird, 2. Penannular, 3. Vintage Dirk, 4. Wm. Glen.
    As far as leaving the pin on - if the actual pin point is decent, and the kilt cloth of good quality, then carefully putting the pin on and taking it off with each kilt wearing should not hurt the cloth. And taking the pin off when storing the kilt will keep the pin and the kilt from being damaged.
    "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Benjamin Franklin

  9. #227
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    Frog, penannular, stag horn, Wm. Glen @ Sons. I'm a simple guy with regard to kilt pins.

    I reserve mine for special occasions so as not to,snag during casual outings (as I'm more careful when I dress up).

    Here are mine (made by our own Mike Montgomery).

    The Official [BREN]

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  11. #228
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    Nathan, at the bottom of your first picture, below the nine pins you have individual pictures for, is that a giant safety pin (I believe it's called a blanket pin)?
    Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot
    Eastern Region Vice President
    North Carolina Commissioner
    Clan Sinclair Association (USA)

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  13. #229
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    Has anyone ever thought of stitching a couple of button holes, for lack of the proper term, in the apron at the appropriate spot? No fabric damage if you were to put your pin in there. Just thinking out loud here. If I'm all messed up, feel free to tell me so.

  14. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by 416 Rigby View Post
    Has anyone ever thought of stitching a couple of button holes, for lack of the proper term, in the apron at the appropriate spot? No fabric damage if you were to put your pin in there. Just thinking out loud here. If I'm all messed up, feel free to tell me so.
    J. Charles "Scotty" Thompson suggests it as an option in So You're Going to wear the Kilt!.

    Quote Originally Posted by ASinclair View Post
    Nathan, at the bottom of your first picture, below the nine pins you have individual pictures for, is that a giant safety pin (I believe it's called a blanket pin)?
    Yeah. 10 pic limit, so I didn't bother featuring that one.
    Last edited by Nathan; 11th June 14 at 03:47 AM.
    Natan Easbaig Mac Dhòmhnaill, FSA Scot
    Past High Commissioner, Clan Donald Canada
    “Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.” - The Canadian Boat Song.

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