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  1. #1
    Join Date
    14th July 12
    St. Paul, Minnesota
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    My wife, bless her heart, presented me with a bottle of Nadurra for our wedding anniversary. Lovely spirit. I must say, I didn't know about the commissioned furniture until this thread, and I'll have to admit I enjoyed every drop of that whisky without the benefit of a hand-crafted "dram chair."

    Had I only known what I was missing . . . Nah, I'd still forgo the chair and suffer through my imbibing with the knowledge good Scotch transcends mere seating arrangements.
    " Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly." - Mae West -

  2. The Following User Says 'Aye' to MNlad For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Join Date
    26th February 12
    Lake in the Hills, IL
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    I think I would save my money for the Scotch of my choice and instead buy a run of the mill leather sling back chair to plant my hind end in.

    Were it a fantastic design or quite unusual it might be worth the coin, but it seems to me to be an expensive directors chair.
    Heck, I could buy a special "scotch drinking kilt" AND a bottle for that money..... Not that all my kilts aren't special scotch drinking kilts.
    "Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"

  4. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to GrainReaper For This Useful Post:


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