"Life may have its problems, but it is the best thing they have come up with so far." Neil Simon, Last of the RedHot Lovers, Act 3. "Ob la di, Ob la da. Life goes on. Braaa. La la how the life goes on." Beatles
"Life may have its problems, but it is the best thing they have come up with so far." Neil Simon, Last of the RedHot Lovers, Act 3. "Ob la di, Ob la da. Life goes on. Braaa. La la how the life goes on." Beatles
Up the Ladder to the Roof -- Supremes (without Diana Ross)
What city are we in?
"Life may have its problems, but it is the best thing they have come up with so far." Neil Simon, Last of the RedHot Lovers, Act 3. "Ob la di, Ob la da. Life goes on. Braaa. La la how the life goes on." Beatles