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  1. #11
    Join Date
    24th January 17
    Ellan Vannin
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuskratMike View Post
    Just ordered my first kilt from USA Kilts. It is in Fermanagh Crest tartan. It is the tartan of my family from Ireland (most southern and western county in Ulster). Looking for the do's and don'ts of wearing a kilt.
    Here is why I ordered it: I am a flintlock rifle shooter (think 1700's). I want to portray a "long hunter" of Irish descent who is hunting for furs to sell to the 13 colonies. While not probably historically correct I will be wearing moccasins, kilt, waistcoat over shirt, leggings and a Olive Green Balmoral. I will mostly wear it at muzzleloader shooting events in my area every month and to the large regional Highland Games held in my town every June.
    If you are familiar with Irish kilts I am looking for some help as a beginner kilt wearer. If not familiar with Irish kilts still looking for the basic do's and don'ts.
    No suggestion is too basic as I have said I have no real knowledge and want to wear it proudly but more importantly correctly.
    Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
    When kilt arrives in a couple of months I will post pictures of my "long hunter" outfit including my beautiful longrifle, pistol, tomahawk and scalping knife.
    Please see attached colored drawing of the persona I am striving for only with an Irish twist.Attachment 37121
    Ditch the kilt & wear knee breeks with your mitasses and hunti g shirtd.

    Kilt wearing in Ireland is only a recent phenomenon. It has no place in historical re-enactment if you're portraying afrontiersman of irish descent. Even most of those of Scottish descent didn't wear the kilt.

    Want to portray a highlander in the French and Indian wars? Do that, but do it accurately.

    Don't invent fanciful justifications for anachronistic costume.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    I had no idea this was such an "elitist" group. I thought the idea of this forum was to promote the wearing of kilts and to encourage others to do the same. I guess if you don't wear one in the traditional manner you shouldn't wear one at all. Sorry I wasted your time and mine.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    London, Canada
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuskratMike View Post
    I had no idea this was such an "elitist" group. I thought the idea of this forum was to promote the wearing of kilts and to encourage others to do the same. I guess if you don't wear one in the traditional manner you shouldn't wear one at all. Sorry I wasted your time and mine.
    Mike, I'm sorry you're reading it that way. In your original post you were clear that you wanted correction and to wear it 'correctly'

    Quote Originally Posted by MuskratMike View Post
    If you are familiar with Irish kilts I am looking for some help as a beginner kilt wearer. If not familiar with Irish kilts still looking for the basic do's and don'ts.
    No suggestion is too basic as I have said I have no real knowledge and want to wear it proudly but more importantly correctly.
    I think the members of the forum are responding with that in mind and trying to be helpful. If you want to wear it as a costume, you might not have said that you wanted to wear it correctly.

    Want to try again?
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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