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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Never have worn a kilt

    Just ordered my first kilt from USA Kilts. It is in Fermanagh Crest tartan. It is the tartan of my family from Ireland (most southern and western county in Ulster). Looking for the do's and don'ts of wearing a kilt.
    Here is why I ordered it: I am a flintlock rifle shooter (think 1700's). I want to portray a "long hunter" of Irish descent who is hunting for furs to sell to the 13 colonies. While not probably historically correct I will be wearing moccasins, kilt, waistcoat over shirt, leggings and a Olive Green Balmoral. I will mostly wear it at muzzleloader shooting events in my area every month and to the large regional Highland Games held in my town every June.
    If you are familiar with Irish kilts I am looking for some help as a beginner kilt wearer. If not familiar with Irish kilts still looking for the basic do's and don'ts.
    No suggestion is too basic as I have said I have no real knowledge and want to wear it proudly but more importantly correctly.
    Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
    When kilt arrives in a couple of months I will post pictures of my "long hunter" outfit including my beautiful longrifle, pistol, tomahawk and scalping knife.
    Please see attached colored drawing of the persona I am striving for only with an Irish twist.Highlander in leggins.jpg
    Last edited by MuskratMike; 14th July 19 at 12:43 PM.

  2. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to MuskratMike For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
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    Welcome to the "Great Rabble"!

    Please check the rules found here, http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...q=xmarks_rules if you are going to post with weaponry. No use having problems when you're just getting started!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  4. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Father Bill For This Useful Post:

  5. #3
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    Hello again Mike. Other reenactors may PM (personal message) you about the weapons and their experiences while kilted. Here, we would still like to see the ensemble you have gathered. There are drawings and paintings of the era you seek for comparison.

  6. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Welcome to the "Great Rabble"!

    Please check the rules found here, http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...q=xmarks_rules if you are going to post with weaponry. No use having problems when you're just getting started!
    Can I advise that you pay particular attention to Rule 11. For what it is worth, in my experience it is a rule rigidly enforced by the owner and moderators of this website. It is just the way it is, I am afraid.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  7. #5
    Join Date
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    Welcome from Western Canada 🇨🇦!
    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

  8. #6
    Join Date
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    Welcome from Ireland.

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Can I advise that you pay particular attention to Rule 11. For what it is worth, in my experience it is a rule rigidly enforced by the owner and moderators of this website. It is just the way it is, I am afraid.
    And, additionally, I learned you can get censured even when your post is not about weapons simply because someone else thought it might have been.

    Still, and nevertheless, a great joy in my life to be allowed to roam around loose here, and I hope your experience is as wonderful.

  10. #8
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    It appears to me that discussion is straying a bit following my original post to this thread. There is no prohibition on discussion or showing weapons on XMarks, but there is direction and limits. Actually, there is a sub-forum here devoted specifically to "Weapons as Kilt Accessories" where those photos and definitions are welcomed within limits.

    The definitions and details are found as soon as you enter that sub-forum as follows:

    This sub-section is the place on X Marks where the subject of weapons may be posted or discussed. All posts on weapons will be made here or moved here without notice.
    (For the purpose of this forum, “Weapon” is defined as anything that is designed for, or is being used to, injure.)
    (A personally owned item being offered for sale would still be posted to the "For Sale" section and would be subject to the guidelines of that section.)

    Posts to this section are governed under Rule 11 and violations of these definitions may be flagged as a possible violation of rule 11 and may be subject to immediate removal.

    What may be posted.

    Any discussion, question, or pictures where a weapon is displayed as, or is intended as, an accessory to a kilt. This includes and is limited to:
    • Those weapons that have a historical precedence or accepted association with the kilt.
    • Those weapons which are items issued to kilted military units.
    • Museum pieces, or replicas of kilt accessories.
    • DIY projects that are kilt accessories.
    • Kilted historical re-enactment units. (see note above)
    • Static displays and color guards at Highland Games.
    • Items of costumes, or toys.

    What may not be discussed, posted or linked to.

    • The posting, pictures, or discussion of any weapon without a historical precedence of association with a kilt.
    • Any modern weapon not being used by kilted military units.
    • Any discussion over or about the US 2nd Amendment.
    • Any discussion of Martial Arts or Self-Defense.
    • Any weapon being used, or threatening to be used, to injure.
    • Any posting, pictures or discussion of hunting. Specifically 'Trophy Photos'.
    • Any photos or discussion of techniques, or kilt accessories for, ‘concealed carry’.

    Within those guidelines, the posting of pictures, and discussion that fits within the definitions are perfectly welcome on this forum. It is those who have strayed or tried to stretch the definitions who may have been flagged by other forum members.

    Although the Forum Moderators, who have had to deal with it, have become sensitive to the downward spiral that sometimes has taken place when the topic was raised, they do not act as a forum police force - the general membership does that themselves through the flag system.

    I hope this helps to clarify the discussion, but let's be clear: this thread is about welcoming a new member, not about discussing forum rules, so let's make Mike feel welcome, not the subject of discussion.

    Father Bill+
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  11. #9
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    To Father Bill

    Thank you so much for your last post. The persona I have chosen for myself may have never existed as far as kilt wearing goes. Once I get my kilt I will post a picture and hope for the best. I have been made to feel welcome and have received message regarding Irish kilts.
    Thank you to all and would still like to receive comments on the basic do's and do nots of kilt wearing from a new member who has never worn a kilt and wants to do it right. My kilt still won't arrive for another month or so.
    Last edited by MuskratMike; 12th July 19 at 07:06 PM.

  12. The Following User Says 'Aye' to MuskratMike For This Useful Post:

  13. #10
    Join Date
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    Thanks for your kind appreciation.

    Mike, you can put together a mythical personus, but don't try to wear it to Highland Games or other such events or you'll be centred out pretty badly. Ren Faires are a great place to wear them but again, weaponry may have various restrictions depending on the organizers.

    If you're looking for various bits of advice, have a look about the forum for old threads. A particularly useful one is found here: http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...-attire-46888/ It will give you the whole gamut of dressing in various situations. Sincere thanks to Panache and McMurdo for putting it together.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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