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  1. #21
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    KCW, hmm... well, I equate all kilts with masculinity (how anyone could think kilts look feminine is beyond me). I guess I'd like him to get one because all of the other kilts he's ever worn have been traditional tartan types and it would be interesting to see him in something different. I was over at the AK website and I found I really like the forest green. Also, Grimm is a casual dresser most of the time and I think he'd be more likely to wear an AK as every day wear, instead of jeans. He's outgrown his old kilts, but even when he did fit them he only wore them on special occasions and sometimes to church.

    How do you like your SWK? We've all but decided on the Black Watch standard. After that I'll see if I can talk him into the forest green AK.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iolanthe
    KCW, hmm... well, I equate all kilts with masculinity (how anyone could think kilts look feminine is beyond me). I guess I'd like him to get one because all of the other kilts he's ever worn have been traditional tartan types and it would be interesting to see him in something different. I was over at the AK website and I found I really like the forest green. Also, Grimm is a casual dresser most of the time and I think he'd be more likely to wear an AK as every day wear, instead of jeans. He's outgrown his old kilts, but even when he did fit them he only wore them on special occasions and sometimes to church.

    How do you like your SWK? We've all but decided on the Black Watch standard. After that I'll see if I can talk him into the forest green AK.
    Ione, the forest green AK was also on my short list when I decided on the tan. I am also a mostly casual dresser, and I do like the AK and the fact that is does have a pocket and does not require a sporran. Gives it a whole different look, but still nice enough to wear to the office.

    I really like my SWK standard, but I think that the heavyweight is a better constructed kilt and for dressier occasions is definitely a step up. The pleats are sewn down the fell like on a traditional, and the material appears to be better quality, or at least somewhat heavier. Just checked the prices, and the BW in heavyweight is about twice ($74 vs $145) as much as the standard. Hard call. If your hubby has been used to a traditional kilt, he might be more prone to wear one that is similar, which would be the HW. It is definitely warmer, so if you are getting one soon, that might also be a factor.

    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iolanthe
    Graham, I'd never heard of Iona before, but it's nice to be associated with something positive! I hear Tasmania is beautiful, too. My parents were there for a visit not long ago and they loved it.


    Ron, my husband is one of the traditional kilt lovers. We're thinking about going with a Stillwater standard, since that's what's going to be within our price range, but I'm hoping he'll give in to an Amerikilt eventually. Either way, I'm pleased that I can come here and do all my research!
    First things first: WELCOME!

    Second: Iona is a lovely little isle off the western coast of Scotland with a rich spiritual tradition, according to the information I've read and photos I've seen...Tracy (my wife) and I hope to get over to Scotland next year for a vacation.

    Third: I have a Stillwater standard kilt that is a *screaming* deal for a tartan kilt, but there are one or two things that make it noticeably different from the traditionals. The apron isn't "flared" on the sides to prevent the corners from flipping (a fairly easy fix with an iron); and the pleats aren't sewn down to the fell line (I have no idea how to address that at home with my skill level). I understand the the heavyweight SW kilts are stitched and some wool tartans are available, so you may want to consider spending a bit more scratch on the next purchase.

    Bryan...plus, wool does have that *swing* thing going for it...

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyv65
    First things first: WELCOME!

    Sand the pleats aren't sewn down to the fell line (I have no idea how to address that at home with my skill level). .

    I just think of it as a different style

  5. #25
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    Thanks for the welcome. And the advice. That's always appreciated.

    I really would like to go with the SWK heavyweight, but there are a couple of issues with it. First of all is the price. It's a great deal and all, but we're squeezing and scraping to get him through school so things are tight around here. The other thing is... wool. Wool is *not* my friend. lol I'm bound to ruin it, unintentionally I promise. Maybe once we can afford the regular drycleaning. Also, we're in Hawaii where it is always HOT. He prefers to wear cooler materials while we're here.

    The SW standard seems like the least amount of money I can spend without making the poor guy look cheesy. I didn't see on their website what material the standard is made out of. Do any of you know?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iolanthe
    The SW standard seems like the least amount of money I can spend without making the poor guy look cheesy. I didn't see on their website what material the standard is made out of. Do any of you know?
    My standard is made of an acrylic fabric,FWIW.

    Bryan...I bet Hawaii gets toasty come summertime...

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iolanthe
    Thanks for the welcome. And the advice. That's always appreciated.

    I really would like to go with the SWK heavyweight, but there are a couple of issues with it. First of all is the price. It's a great deal and all, but we're squeezing and scraping to get him through school so things are tight around here. The other thing is... wool. Wool is *not* my friend. lol I'm bound to ruin it, unintentionally I promise. Maybe once we can afford the regular drycleaning. Also, we're in Hawaii where it is always HOT. He prefers to wear cooler materials while we're here.

    The SW standard seems like the least amount of money I can spend without making the poor guy look cheesy. I didn't see on their website what material the standard is made out of. Do any of you know?
    Ione, the standard is an acrylic and very comfortable in the heat, even in the dark nightstalker tartan I have. The HW is also in a non-wool fabric, I am guessing a heavier acylic but I am not sure. Neither looks cheesy, and I would say that given what you are trying accomplish and your price range, the SW standard is a pretty good fit. The only close option pricewise is an AK. UK's, USAK philabeg, and PK's are all a little higher, but we are getting into $5-$10 difference depending on the specific maker. For a kilt that looks traditional, is easy to maintain, and can be at your doorstep in a few days, I don't think you can go wrong with a SWK. SK's might also be an option, but I don't have one in a tartan, and in their other fabrics, namely the gun metal gray, I find myself ironing it if I want to wear it any where but in the house.

    Good luck!
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

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