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  1. #11
    NewKilt's Avatar
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    Standing, I lift both aprons. Sitting, I flip the pleats up onto my back, then pull them around to the front. With this method, after finishing your duty, a swoosh to the left and right, puts your pleats back in order.


  2. #12
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    Not to change the subject, but has anyone been appalled by "sprayback"? I know that it must occur with pants, but you would not feel it. In a kilt, any "reflecting" drops are felt on contact. Anybody have any solutions?
    I've never noticed a problem with such. Try for the bottom of the urinal, rather than the back. Or use the porcelain throne, I suppose, if that doesn't work.
    Last edited by Nick; 15th March 06 at 09:11 PM.
    An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
    (When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)

    Kiltio Ergo Sum.
    I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef

  3. #13
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    Be Careful

    I have read of this before, but don't think one has to worry too much around where we live, but what if someone grabs your kilt thinking it might be a jacket with some valuables in the pocket. Lets hope you have a long shirt, or just go out in your sporan and look for it, if you even have that on.

    I lift and wrap like others have said. I have also noticed that if one does the "kilt twist" your pleats usually go back into position. Just besure some aren't flipped up in back.


    Quote Originally Posted by Nick
    When standing, I lift both aprons. Besides being easier for me, the kilt gives a privacy screen between urinals that don't have barriers.

    When sitting, I invariably take the kilt off and hang it on the coat hook on the door, or over the door if there's no hook. I have to gather the back when I'm in a greatkilt (no off-and-on with that sucker!), and I have no desire to do that on a day to day basis.

  4. #14
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    I never even considered that someone might swipe it. Probably because of our location, aye. If I travel, and there's no hook, I'll probably do the fold it in your lap idea.
    An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
    (When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)

    Kiltio Ergo Sum.
    I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef

  5. #15
    Graham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKilt
    Standing, I lift both aprons. Sitting, I flip the pleats up onto my back, then pull them around to the front. With this method, after finishing your duty, a swoosh to the left and right, puts your pleats back in order.

    I agree, and will add that more often than not I tend to go into a "stall" (I think you lads over there call them) for either of the two needs, I sometime worry I may embarrass other men and I enjoy the privacy.

  6. #16
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I'd sya the lift-and-wrap method works easiest, especially in a pub. Definitly don't want my kilt touching much of anything that isn't me in there.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham
    I sometime worry I may embarrass other men .
    modest isn't he?

    Being female I hafta sit for anything I do, so i just take the whole thing off and hang it up.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior
    Not to change the subject, but has anyone been appalled by "sprayback"? I know that it must occur with pants, but you would not feel it. In a kilt, any "reflecting" drops are felt on contact. Anybody have any solutions?
    Stand further back.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior
    Not to change the subject, but has anyone been appalled by "sprayback"? I know that it must occur with pants, but you would not feel it. In a kilt, any "reflecting" drops are felt on contact. Anybody have any solutions?

    I think you need to aim further down the bowl or urinal. Either that or you've got too much hose pressure and you need to throttle back your pump! Woops, sorry, a bit of the old fire engine jockey slipping out there.

  10. #20
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    A couple of thoughts...

    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior
    ...but has anyone been appalled by "sprayback"? I know that it must occur with pants, but you would not feel it. In a kilt, any "reflecting" drops are felt on contact. Anybody have any solutions?
    Regarding the what I'd call "splashback," I know exactly what you mean. It was a new discovery to me the first time I urinated wearing a kilt. Couple of thoughts...

    1) Try using the toilet rather than a urinal. First take a bit of toilet paper in you hand, then lift the front of the kilt (don't forget about any pockets that might be hanging down inside the kilt). STRADDLE the toilet and let your natural flow dictate where you stand (easier, if "regimental"). You don't have to hold your penis at all and the natural position and lack of any pressure from the hand allows (for me) a more relaxed and fuller voiding. When finished, relax a bit more, give it shake and use the toilet paper you're holding to touch up any last drop on the head of your penis. Often, this is not sufficient, as after all is said and done and your drop your kilt, straighten your pleats and start to leave, another drop will come alone.

    2) This is where common sense comes in--especially regarding "splashback." There seems to be less, if you use a toilet rather than a standard urinal. You can also use that same piece of t.p. to mop us any splash spots on your legs.

    HOWEVER, one ought to realize that in a healthy person--especially if you drink a lot of fluids and your urine is clear, that "pee" isn't dirty! It's only societal conventions that have made us afraid of it. So, a bit of pee-splash on the leg or a drop on the kilt is probably a lot cleaner than some of the places on which you sit when wearing a kilt. So, don't get too concerned about "splashback."

    It's all part of this "special" life we live as kilted men! Celebrate it!

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