I have to agree. I saw that movie for the first time last week and ....well...
It looked like a mill exploded on the cast and however the tartan ended up that's how they wore it. Tartan tights ??
Tartan Explosion . . .
Reminds me of George VI in Edinburgh
1814 (I thinks thats the right year)
Walter Scott didn't paint the town red, he painted it tartan
And created the Tartan myth we all know and love in one swoop!
Now, what are some great Scottish films, with or without kilts?
I have to agree. I saw that movie for the first time last week and ....well...
It looked like a mill exploded on the cast and however the tartan ended up that's how they wore it. Tartan tights ??
Try to remember that, in true Hollywood fashion, that was not so much an opportunity to recreate the period with uncanny historic accuracy but rather an opportunity for some berserk costume designer to go ape-**** and take it to the limit. Sort of a variation on the idea that reality should never get in the way of a good story. Imagine them trying to do all that dancing in accurate costumes....