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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacWage
    Now to make one matching Green Bay and one for the Carolina Panthers. I wonder what tartans would: 1. match and 2. be "appropriate" :rolleyes:
    Green Bay: Gordon tartan with jersey #89 (Ferguson)

    Carolina: Carolina tartan (of course!) with blue jersey #96 (Wallace)

  2. #32
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    Walmart already carries those terry cloth bath wraps for putting on instead of wrapping a towel around you out of the shower. A more practical approach might be to take one to the store and ask "do you have these in plaid?" Run that up the chain and you might get lucky.

    This however does not get you a "kilt" as our members see it.

    We've all been guilty of seeking the "inexpensive kilt" and that's why so many of us have a sport kilt in our closet. But as we become more educated in what a KILT is and how it should look and feel, we learn the value of a well made kilt and that $80 Stillwater or $110 USA Casual and PK and $240 Freedom Kilt just doesn't sound unreasonable. A man who thinks $100 is too much for a garment as versatile and durable as a kilt does not know what he is talking about. I'm not saying $100 is not a lot of money.

    Does anyone know what happened with Jimmy Carbombs Pajama kilts? I remember that he sold the concept to a "large retailer" but haven't heard anything further.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR
    What do I think would REALLY happen if Walmart did carry kilts?

    First: Price. It would have to retail at like $40 or under. Basically, it would be a mass produced skirt with a kilt "tag" on it.

    Second: It would probably only come in 1 length (probably 24) and probably only be available in Blackwatch and Royal Stewart. The market would be flooded with cheerleader skirts being passed off as kilts.

    3rd: it would force smaller Kilt companies to cut their own financial throats to try to keep prices down to compete. Expensive wool kilt companies would suffer, but still make money as "real" kilts would be much better quality and are going after a higher end market than walmart customers.

    4th: smaller kilt companies (including custom kilt companies) would suffer financially to try to bring the cost down that they'd eventually fold to make "real money" elsewhere (an IT job for example).

    5th: big Kilt fad would end in 2 years and there'd be few companies left making a "decent" product at a "decent price" (about $100).

    6th: a few years would pass and a coulple kilt companies will pop up here and there and eventually get us back to where we are right now.

    I have a pretty negative view of Walmart in case you can't tell... hahaha
    Thinking about the trade offs between quality and price:

    I have to wonder if a MUG of simpler design & construction will become popular before kilts.

    On the other hand, though we may be frustrated by kilt prices, we can enjoy being distinct from the crowd.

  4. #34
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Walker
    Thinking about the trade offs between quality and price:

    I have to wonder if a MUG of simpler design & construction will become popular before kilts.

    On the other hand, though we may be frustrated by kilt prices, we can enjoy being distinct from the crowd.
    the prices are really an issue...with most kilts, you definitly get what you pay for. I'd rather pay $400 for a tartan tank from Matt or Kathy than buy some half wool/half plastic concoction off the rack at walmart..

  5. #35
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    It would be made in china or india, fall apart because human hands would not touch it until it hit the shelves and every kilt maker around would go belly up by the monster that is Wally World.

  6. #36
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrpharr
    It would be made in china or india, fall apart because human hands would not touch it until it hit the shelves and every kilt maker around would go belly up by the monster that is Wally World.
    I'm pretty confident the few ( ) kilties here would be enough to keep one or two quality kiltmakers busy for a long time...

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by smaughazard
    Green Bay: Gordon tartan with jersey #89 (Ferguson)

    Carolina: Carolina tartan (of course!) with blue jersey #96 (Wallace)
    Already ties to both:

    Gordon-> through the Todds (if that can be believed, though I have personal doubts, as I've yet to see any historical proof of anything but "plug and play," as with MOST septs).
    I already thought of that one, but was using as an example-> to make people think of the analogy.

    Carolina-> LOOK WHERE I LIVE (as of 2006)! The Scottish Weaver has it in cotton (which I think appropriate for the south-> homage to historical staple crop). It is on my list of "to gets" when I can both afford it and after I finish a few more of the ones on hand. However, I had not thought of that one actually for the team, though the light blue of the tartan is also the team color (so-> coordination)


  8. #38
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    What if K-Mart carried a cheap line of kilts from the same places that Wal-Mart would get them?

    Personally I'd buy from Wal-Mart long before I'd buy from K-Mart. I haven't shopped at K-Mart in years and never will again. Wal-Mart on the other hand I think would offer a half way decent kilt for a reasonable price.


  9. #39
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    I'm not worried about the kilt turning into a fad and killing itself. If Old Navy comes out with a kilt, and they market it heavily, would you stop wearing yours because you felt like a trendy?

    I wouldn't.

  10. #40
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    I agree with the comments of Kilted Knight.

    I also agree with those that dislike Wal Mart. It's a shame that we the populace let them get as big as they are today. They along with other big box stores have killed a lot of mom and pop staores in smaller communities. In my community, there used to be several hardware stores. Now, only Home Depot and Lowes. When you live in a house that is over 75 years old, you dont go to these stores to repair, only to replace. In my earlier years, I worked at store htat catered to the neighborhood. We stocked what the customers needed to repair their own homes. We offered assistance any way we could. Trry finding that in a big box outlet. "Oh we can have that installed for you. " never mind the cost. I sure do miss the days of selling hardware. I could go on for hours, but I should step down off of my soapbox and let someone else on. Wal Mart has become the 800 Lb Gorilla in the neighborhood. Where else can you go?

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