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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    What Would Happen If.....

    A fraternity brother from a small town bragged about how all the guys in his senior class of high school called the local shoe store and asked if they carried saddle bucks with red lining. Wasn't long before the front window of the shoe store displayed saddle bucks with red lining. Sadly, it was a contrived and cruel project and the merchant suffered.

    Merchants try to be sensitive to fashion trends.

    Since our Super WalMart opened in our little town I've endeavored to support the local merchants against the monster. But there's no denying that WalMart carries stuff the locals don't. So I go there.

    But most every time I go there, when I check out, I ask, "Do you carry kilts? I'm looking to buy a kilt and I couldn't find any in the men's department.?" Of course I'm kilted when I say this.

    What would happen if a thousand of us in WalMart's service areas (and others with similar stores in their areas) asked the same type question whenever they were shopping there?

    Would we be enought that the word would filter up to the WalMart fashion gurus that "men are asking for kilts?"

    Would anyone actually buy or wear a kilt WalMart stocked? Would WalMart offering kilts bring new men into the fold?

    It ain't that far from REI stocking a hiking kilt to WalMart stocking a knock around kilt.

    What would happen if a LOT of us asked each visit?

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  2. #2
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    A long time ago in a kilt far, far away
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    I'm sure the word would filter up the food chain at walmart, but I'm not sure if they would bite. I once worked for Budweiser,with one of my responsibilities being to ensuring proper stock levels and such in all the walmarts around Tulsa. To be a vendor selling at walmart, there is a huge list of things that you have to provide, such as stock levels, rotation, marketing, all sorts of different things..as well as a price point that would make the item desireable to the masses. I'm not sure the kilt-making industry is in a position to fulfill all of these criteria just yet...and anyone who could certainly would not be putting out a product that would meet the quality requirements of most of the people on the board.

  3. #3
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    Any kilt carried by WalMart would be marginal at best even for Clan MacTable.

  4. #4
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    Considering the quality of most of Walmart's clothing, I'd bet that most of the gents around here wouldn't purchase, and those who did wouldnn't buy another. In the end, most likely those who sew kilts would end up out of business.

  5. #5
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    The Similiar tatic was proposed at Tom's Cafe a few years ago.

  6. #6
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    I for one would not. I despise Wal-Mutt, and even if I din't, I don't think I could do a kilt. I do, however , keep hoping to find one at Village Discount Thrift. (not holding my breath )

  7. #7
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    Do they have a MacWalmart tartan?
    Not a fan of the idea personally. I just can't see how you can support the little guys in one community and than try and get Walmart to bring in kilts, basically driving business from the smaller guys in another community. Secondly asking walmart if they sell kilts when you are in a kilt will not change their mind. You are just a niche market in their minds at that point. If you were in jeans and asked for them, you are looking for a "new" product that you don't already have. Retailers love bringing you new stuff that you don't really "need".

  8. #8
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    I wouldn't buy 'em. Maybe if they came from a better quality store. Smaller stores, or younger stores like American Eagle that would attract a younger crowd. Stores like that tend to be more expensive, but they do provide better quality products.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Those who are regulars at wall mart art not kilted types on the average. unfortunately you would need to target a slightly more upscale fashon type place. Mall, fashon, trendy, but then, fashon and trendy are cyclic. kilts would be totaly kool for a year or two and then be a Fad, a "has been". I would prefer kilts being, (and Staying) on the frindge of fashon, and reserved for those ( like us)who Dare to be a little different, and march to a different drimmer (Or piper)
    Just my opinion
    “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    3389 Schuylkill Rd, Spring City, PA 19475
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    What do I think would REALLY happen if Walmart did carry kilts?

    First: Price. It would have to retail at like $40 or under. Basically, it would be a mass produced skirt with a kilt "tag" on it.

    Second: It would probably only come in 1 length (probably 24) and probably only be available in Blackwatch and Royal Stewart. The market would be flooded with cheerleader skirts being passed off as kilts.

    3rd: it would force smaller Kilt companies to cut their own financial throats to try to keep prices down to compete. Expensive wool kilt companies would suffer, but still make money as "real" kilts would be much better quality and are going after a higher end market than walmart customers.

    4th: smaller kilt companies (including custom kilt companies) would suffer financially to try to bring the cost down that they'd eventually fold to make "real money" elsewhere (an IT job for example).

    5th: big Kilt fad would end in 2 years and there'd be few companies left making a "decent" product at a "decent price" (about $100).

    6th: a few years would pass and a coulple kilt companies will pop up here and there and eventually get us back to where we are right now.

    I have a pretty negative view of Walmart in case you can't tell... hahaha

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