Also, does anyone like "The Red Green Show"? It is just as funny! It's the Canadian version of Jeff Foxworthy.
I too like some of the Brit-coms (especially the Office, the Kumars, etc) but wanted to clear one thing up. The Red Green show is not the Canadian version of Jeff Foxworthy, as the Red Green Show started in 1991 (ended this year) and the character was originally created in 1979 for Smith & Smith> Foxworthy's "You might be a Red Neck" came out in 1993 and his show wasn't out until 1995. So while both are similar (and funny) I don't think they are versions of each other.
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We actually have all of the published series on DVD of both Are You Being Served AND Keeping Up Apprearances. Both are excellent and Patricia Rutledge is indeed "the bomb". I think we ordered these from PBS but the BBC would be a very good bet also. Good Luck.
I am also a big fan of Red Green (and just about all of the other shows that have been mentioned in the thread...and Dr. Who as well!). First saw RG while in Toronto and my reaction was just sitting there with my mouth hanging open between laughs and thinking "this guy is SO on the mark about how guys deal with things...duct tape solves all problems".
One of the most gratifying recent trends is that I'm seeing lots of the Canadian actors from Red Green show up in episodes of the Stargate Franchises...Harold (Patrick McKenna) had virtually a whole episode of SG-1 to himself a couple of seasons ago. This has been much like watching the actors from "I, Claudius" and "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" as they've followed their careers through the years...our local PBS magazine once printed a flow chart of all of the shows that the various actors from "Claudius" and "Upstairs, Downstairs" were subsequently involved with.
Hey...Peter Davison..."All Creatures Great and Small" to "Doctor Who" to "Campion"...he's always showing up in one series or another.
And for the Blackadder 'bout that Hugh Laurie....Bertie Wooster makes good, eh? Can't wait until they find a way to get a "House" episode with Stephen Frye as a guest star.