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  1. #21
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    Update to my UNFORTUNATE experience...

    Hi, Lads and Lassies!

    I received an e-mail from, I presume, the lady I spoke with at The Scottosh Store. The text, unedited, is:

    "I hope you mentioned how rude you were to me and how I took all of your details and all of the details that I gave to you were not acceptable and how you felt that my solid replies were not good enough and that you wanted to speak to more people and get the same reply but from a male.. I do hope you let all know that. I will not be reading your posting since I know what you stated to me on the phone and I know what my reply was. I do hope you mentioned that. However, I certainly hope that you were truthful in your comments because I would not hesitate to travel home to take you to court for slander. Good Day."

    Not only was I NOT rude to her, I was calm and kindly and most polite! Imagine - my order's more than six months old, incomplete, and the seller is so arrogant as to threaten me with slander? Wow...maybe this is a first for an XMarks-er? Poor dear...she really needs The Lord!
    Nothing is worn under the kilt...everything works just fine!!

    Alexander Nicoll Gerli (Sandy)
    Clan MacNicol (MacNeacail)
    Mount Airy, NC, MAYBERRY USA!

  2. #22
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by angerli
    Hi, Lads and Lassies!

    I received an e-mail from, I presume, the lady I spoke with at The Scottosh Store. The text, unedited, is:

    "I hope you mentioned how rude you were to me and how I took all of your details and all of the details that I gave to you were not acceptable and how you felt that my solid replies were not good enough and that you wanted to speak to more people and get the same reply but from a male.. I do hope you let all know that. I will not be reading your posting since I know what you stated to me on the phone and I know what my reply was. I do hope you mentioned that. However, I certainly hope that you were truthful in your comments because I would not hesitate to travel home to take you to court for slander. Good Day."

    Not only was I NOT rude to her, I was calm and kindly and most polite! Imagine - my order's more than six months old, incomplete, and the seller is so arrogant as to threaten me with slander? Wow...maybe this is a first for an XMarks-er? Poor dear...she really needs The Lord!
    slander only applies to lies. Telling the truth is not illegal.

    I will DEFINITLY not be visiting that site for any reason. That kind of arrogance and poor customer service is completely unacceptable.

  3. #23
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    Her latest e-mail serves only to re-inforce poor customer attitude. The word gets around and companies who take this attitude with a customer end up having to close up shop. I have only once had a similar experience (with mail order of model trains, not kilts), when I reported a company to the Advertising Standards Authority and the magazine they were advertising in. In the event neither decided to take any action but I received a very nasty letter from the company falsely accusing me of telling lies about them. The company closed down a few months later.
    Last edited by cessna152towser; 1st September 06 at 12:31 PM.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  4. #24
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    Absolutely shocking and would appear to irradicate any doubt about the level of customer service they offer. Shame.

    They have been defended by previously satisified customers in this thread but she's gone and wrecked that in my opinion.

  5. #25
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    So then why not simply cancel the order and re-order from someone else. Send them a certified letter and cancel since they have not delivered in the time promised and be done with it.


  6. #26
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    That is the worst customer experience I have ever heard of. I will never frequent their store for anything no matter the price. The snippy retort on her behalf was very rude and exemplifies the business ethic, or lack of at their establishment. If she hadn't felt the need to mouth off to you after dropping the ball on your order she might have had a chance on some future orders. After that; no way, never. O'Neille

  7. #27
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    UNFORTUNATE Experience update...

    Hey, Lads and Lassies,

    I've just received another e-mail from the lady owner of www.scottishstore.com. here it is, unedited with the exception of my addition of quotes at the staer and end:

    "One comment ...... I do hope you introduce yourself if you do plan to walk into the shop after all of the nonsense comments you had about me. You will be immediately told to remove yourselves from the premises by me. We do not tolerate abusive customers here. The fact that you were updated on your order and sent me an email to tell me that you posted something about me and my company is absurd and you expect to visit us? You mention in your email that I left you on hold??????????
    Did you remember to add that you ASKED TO HOLD AND I KEPT GOING BACK TO YOU AND YOU STILL WANTED TO HOLD?? You may have learned a lot of tricks from your own customers at your job in order for you to not accept my replies and wanted to have them repeated to you by a male person. Amazing.
    We have the right to remove disruptive persons from the store and I will with no doubt do so if I know you are present in our place of business. You may not want to introduce yourself after all. Our dealings with you are now completed and there will not be any further dealings with you. Any and all outstanding orders along with any future orders will be refused."

    I guess this hits a new low in the world of samurai CS. I've e-mailed her most cordially reminding her that her dealings with me won't be complete until I receive my two outstanding items. It will be interesting to see whether she decides to refund my credit card for the undelivered items.

    Sheesh...all this verbal veracity from a lady who, I guess, probably needs a good wee dram.
    Nothing is worn under the kilt...everything works just fine!!

    Alexander Nicoll Gerli (Sandy)
    Clan MacNicol (MacNeacail)
    Mount Airy, NC, MAYBERRY USA!

  8. #28
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    If you get no response, or a response in a similar vein I suggest contacting your credit card company straight away.

    I was under the impression that funds should not be taken from credit cards until the item was actually ready to be shipped, except by prior arangement where there was an initial cost - as in the purchasing of cloth to make a kilt.

    If the money for all your purchases was taken six months ago and the company is now refusing to ship them, I think that might just count as fraud, or at least be considered getting rather fraudulent by the card company.

    I have always requested one payment for initial outlay on materials, and then requested the remainder of the price only when the item is completely finished and ready for dispatch or collection.

  9. #29
    Graham's Avatar
    Graham is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Wow, what a bad attitude!! I for one will not be buying anything from them, I think she needs a dram AND the Lord!

    I guess we are spoilt really, I would say the majority of places I shop for kilts and Scottish gear treat me absolutely fantastically.
    So this place is an unhappy exception, shame really, I'm looking for a nice tankard and I see they have some really nice ones on their website.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham
    Wow, what a bad attitude!! I for one will not be buying anything from them, I think she needs a dram AND the Lord!
    Graham an Angerli...

    a dram AYE!

    but please dinnae blame her rudeness on a specific religious preference (arr lack there o')

    ai gie excellent customer service...ai dinnae ha any 'lord' in my life..

    (weel... except fur mysel... ai am the "Laird" o' Ferintosh!)

    Last edited by Pour1Malt; 4th September 06 at 04:30 AM.

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