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  1. #11
    Join Date
    16th August 06
    Denver, Colorado
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    Quote Originally Posted by PiobBear View Post
    A tartan sash, yes; it's a woman's item. There are other solid colored sashes worn by pipe majors, drum majors, color sergeants, etc., but unless you're in a band or color guard you're not likely to run across them.

    Thanks a bunch PiobBear That is why I post here. I do not want to commit a faux pause.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    24th January 07
    Moreno Valley, California, USA
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    Great information. I'm interested in purchasing a scarf or sash for my wife and had no idea this was even an issue!

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    I know that when I got married, sash over the left shoulder seemed more natural to me. However, I haven't worn it since, and probably won't anytime soon, but it's good to know this. Thank you.


  4. #14
    Join Date
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    J. Charles Thompson's comments on a ladies sash

    New to X-marks the Scot. So take my comments with a shot of scotch.

    J. Charles Thompson says in “So you’re going to wear the kilt:”

    “The code approved by the Lord Lyon is as follows: ladies in general should wear the sash pinned at the right shoulder. There are three exceptions, and theses should pin the sash at the left shoulder: 1) ladies who are chiefs of chieftains in their own right, 2) wives of chiefs and chieftains, and 3) wives of colonels of Highland regiments.”

    He goes on to say:

    “A lady who has married out of her clan pins the center of the sash at the appropriate shoulder. The ends are then tied in a bow at the opposite hip. I don’t ever recall seeing a sash worn this way, but that is what it says in the book. . . “

    He goes no to talk about problems because of the style of dress or decorations but this is the basiscs.

    40 pounds down and 20 more until kilted.

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