21st February 07, 07:46 AM
Finally Back in a Kilt..
With the frigid temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic and NE as of late, I had to hang up my kilts for a couple/few weeks. I hated every minute of it, too. I just cannot tolerate exposed skin in temperatures below 30 degrees.
HOWEVER, this week we're back in the 30-50 degree range and my kilts are back in business!! Yippee!!!!!
21st February 07, 08:04 AM
Good news, as for myself, I am kilted about 4-5 days a week now sometimes the Canadian climate is not fit to be out in no matter what you wear.
21st February 07, 08:09 AM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
Good news, as for myself, I am kilted about 4-5 days a week now sometimes the Canadian climate is not fit to be out in no matter what you wear.
You have my sympathy.. 
When the weather permits (>30 degrees) I'm kilted 7 days/wk.
21st February 07, 08:12 AM
Congrats to your progress! Welcome back!
21st February 07, 08:13 AM
 Originally Posted by GTRMAN
..I just cannot tolerate exposed skin in temperatures below 30 degrees...
Well that was pretty wimpy of you, the brave Scottish Highlander of yore didn't care what the temperature was like when he donned his kilt. Why he would......I'm sorry, did you say BELOW 30 DEGREES!
(Says Panache who has lived in Sunny California his whole life)
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
21st February 07, 08:20 AM
The coldest I have been able to go kilted is about -20 degrees c or -4 f after that I have not even tried.
21st February 07, 08:27 AM
Been down to 0F, and warmer than those in p@nts around me .
Of course I was very well layered (still outside for nearly 14 hours though).
21st February 07, 08:35 AM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
The coldest I have been able to go kilted is about -20 degrees c or -4 f after that I have not even tried.
21st February 07, 09:26 AM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
The coldest I have been able to go kilted is about -20 degrees c or -4 f after that I have not even tried.
Seems reasonable enough. I might go as low as -30 C. I guess we'll know by next winter...
21st February 07, 02:38 PM
 Originally Posted by The Supreme Canuck
Seems reasonable enough. I might go as low as -30 C. I guess we'll know by next winter...
I found with my wool swk and wool sweater I was quite comfortable in the temps McMurdo was saying. A couple of us on kilt nights would go outside for a cig and not notice the cold unlike those non-kilted muggle smokers. But they noticed that we weren't shivering.
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