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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaplain Harris View Post
    yeah that'd make a even a chaplain tempted!
    I understood you were to turn the other cheek, after the fourth turn can't you swing a good right?

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly View Post
    Makes me want to reach down somebody's throat, grab their spleen, and yank them inside out! ,.......

    I think that of the gripes that started this post the one about green food coloring in bu...wiper beer was my favorite

  3. #13
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    You know, they never put green coloring in good beer, it's always in the cheapest crap they can get. Probably the only way they can sell it.

  4. #14
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    As the Wicked Tinker say, "everyone is at least 1/365th Irish". It is amazing how many people think that also requires that they don all that artificial plastic leprecaun crap. As for the drinking, I fondly recall sitting in a beer tent during an October Fest when a friend named Sullivan remarked how strang it is that the local Bavarian community has a festival to do for a week what we do all year long.

    Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by bikercelt1 View Post
    As the Wicked Tinker say, "everyone is at least 1/365th Irish". It is amazing how many people think that also requires that they don all that artificial plastic leprecaun crap. As for the drinking, I fondly recall sitting in a beer tent during an October Fest when a friend named Sullivan remarked how strang it is that the local Bavarian community has a festival to do for a week what we do all year long.

    HAHAHHA!!! The Oktoberfest thing is hilarious!

  6. #16
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    My wife gets a daily e-mail from a local restaurant and food based website. Yesterday's included the following:

    [No Green Beer?!
    This year while the hoi polloi swill their green-dyed beers, you can be a cut above by responsibly enjoying a decidedly different beverage to toast St. Patrick this weekend. Along with the Germans and Italians, St. Louis has a long and rich Irish heritage. If your favorite pub serves Anheuser-Busch's Bare Knuckle Stout on draft, then celebrate that heritage with an Irish American, a new twist on the classic black-and-tan.

    Half Budweiser and half Bare Knuckle Stout, the combination not only tantalizes your taste buds with the rich, toasty flavor the dark stout and the crisp, palate-cleansing taste of the light pilsner, it creates an arresting visual as well: the stout naturally layers on top of the Bud and looks stunning in a traditional pub-style glass.

    Sounds pretty bad to me.

  7. #17
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mang1974 View Post
    My wife gets a daily e-mail from a local restaurant and food based website. Yesterday's included the following:

    [No Green Beer?!
    This year while the hoi polloi swill their green-dyed beers, you can be a cut above by responsibly enjoying a decidedly different beverage to toast St. Patrick this weekend. Along with the Germans and Italians, St. Louis has a long and rich Irish heritage. If your favorite pub serves Anheuser-Busch's Bare Knuckle Stout on draft, then celebrate that heritage with an Irish American, a new twist on the classic black-and-tan.

    Half Budweiser and half Bare Knuckle Stout, the combination not only tantalizes your taste buds with the rich, toasty flavor the dark stout and the crisp, palate-cleansing taste of the light pilsner, it creates an arresting visual as well: the stout naturally layers on top of the Bud and looks stunning in a traditional pub-style glass.

    Sounds pretty bad to me.

    I'll pass on that one. Budweisers attempts at craft beers have been bad for a long time..( ex. bud employee here ..we got to taste some stuff that never hit the shelves.)

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by beowulf67 View Post
    St. Patrick's Day=Amateur Drinking Day
    That being said (and very true) I'll lead by example and step over the scattered and twisted bodies of the willing apprentices on my way to a nice quiet lunch. int: int: No Swillweiser for me thank you. Mothers milk by the pint. Guinness.

    Can you say first vacation in two years?

  9. #19
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    I am never a big fan of green beer. Give me the real stuff or give me a soda.

    I didn't care much about St Patrick's day when I was younger. But St. Patrick's day gave us, the Vancouverites, a reason to celebrate.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by katmills2005 View Post
    Corned Beef and Cabbage (boil it yourself, don't get that dog chow wanna be corned beef out of a can stuff)
    While a good thing to do (and I've got my corned beef in the fridge right now) it is as Irish as wearing your kilt (i.e. it's not).


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