18th March 07, 07:36 AM
Having been there and done that. The old saying of "Time heals all things" is totally true.
Best for the future.
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
Listen to kpcw.org
Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
18th March 07, 07:53 AM
Glen. my sincerest best wishes to you. Take care of yourself and keep moving forward.
Gentleman of Substance
18th March 07, 08:36 AM
Sorry to hear about this, but here's hoping you have good things in store.
18th March 07, 08:54 AM
It may be surprising, due to my age, but I too have "been there; done that." The one fortunate aspect of it was we were both so young and were only married just under a year. No children, no joint property. It was truly the best, if there is one, way of divorcing. I wish you the best.
18th March 07, 10:43 AM
I wish you the best, Glen. Take time to look after yourself. I know how it can feel.
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
18th March 07, 11:12 AM
 Originally Posted by Tattoobradley
It may be surprising, due to my age, but I too have "been there; done that." The one fortunate aspect of it was we were both so young and were only married just under a year. No children, no joint property. It was truly the best, if there is one, way of divorcing. I wish you the best.
The cool thing is that we were what is called "Common Law" in Canada. We were not married, the child was her's before I met her, so really there aren't many complications. Thanks for your wishes I will keep you all up to date.
18th March 07, 06:18 PM
I feel for you.
I'm going through a separation, too. It's a struggle to move on, but keep looking forward and let things take the time they need to. Some healing will happen faster than you might expect.
18th March 07, 07:15 PM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
The cool thing is that we were what is called "Common Law" in Canada. We were not married, the child was her's before I met her, so really there aren't many complications. Thanks for your wishes I will keep you all up to date.
Becareful Glen, in the eye's of the law Common Law is seen as the same as marriage after a year. It might be wise to seek a legal advice.
18th March 07, 07:33 PM
Good luck to you. I hope all goes well.
18th March 07, 09:56 PM
You know what would make you feel better? Buying a new kilt {or two} to go along with your DEKS T-shirts!
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