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  1. #11
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    That is so cool.

    I remember well, just before my mom died of cirrhosis and dementia had set in. I stopped by to see her (care home was around the corner from me) and I'm wearing a kilt in her Scott tartan. Though she'd seen me kilted nearly daily for the two years prior she just couldn't remember. So she asked me about why I was kilted. I just told her it was in her honor, that this was the Scott tartan. She lit up and just beamed with pride. What a gift. Scott was her mother's clan and her middle name.

    So, if you know your family history, and there are any clans to be had on your mother's side, be sure to order up some kilts in her clan tartans.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  2. #12
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    The Lamont Matt is making for me is from my mother's side as well as Brown. Which is on my wish list.

    Regional Vice President, North East
    Clan Lamont Society of North America

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ncof300d View Post
    What does your fiancé think of being kilted?
    My fiancee is ok with it. She hasn't seen me kilted yet, but she will be tomorrow! I won't have my sporran or belt yet (or hose, or garters), but it will give her on idea.

    As of now, she is excited for me, but wants me to stop babbling about it!

  4. #14
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    Family Support

    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt View Post
    That is so cool.

    So, if you know your family history, and there are any clans to be had on your mother's side, be sure to order up some kilts in her clan tartans.

    This is such a great idea, and as I am researching different tartans I have found a German-American tartan to honor my mother, the Edinburgh District tartan for my dad, the Martin tartan for my wife, so many tartans, so little time and money.

    Good for you Yeti, I know what it means to have the support of those closest to you!

  5. #15
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    One good thing about getting older (63) is you no longer give a hoot about what others say or think about you, what you wear etc. I now happily stride through life, kilt a-swishing.
    Because in 100 years time, the opinions and prejudices of other will be just so much dust in the wind.
    And in Heaven, I'll be handed a top quality Welsh Harris tartan kilt with matching Fly Plaid, Hose, Flashes, pins, sporran, PC etc. and be told to "Go and play". Ah! simply 'divine'!

  6. #16
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    Talking Just you wait........

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeti View Post
    As of now, she is excited for me, but wants me to stop babbling about it!
    My guess is that you are going to enjoy being kilted so much that you may not be able to stop babbling about it because you will feel like this

    The more I wear a kilt the more anti-pants and shorts I become.

    I am not much of a clothes shopper. Many of my clothes were given to me by my parents or wife for Christmas or birthday. I am just not too picky and very seldom do I purchase clothes for myself. HOWEREVER, since I have purchased two kilts I am becoming a 'Kilt Horse'. My big problem is that the next two kilts that I am thinking about are going to be BIG $$$ as they would 8 yard wool kilts. I want to get one in an Isle of Man and a Saltire. Both of these tartan have a lot of blue and blue is my favorite color.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozman1944 View Post
    One good thing about getting older (63) is you no longer give a hoot about what others say or think about you, what you wear etc. I now happily stride through life, kilt a-swishing.
    I have already found myself there at 43.

  8. #18
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    a problem shared is a problem halved, so, it stands to reason that a joy shared must be a joy doubled, hats off to you and your mom, all the best

  9. #19
    CactusJack is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Well done three cheers for Mom

  10. #20
    Alaskan Kilted Guy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Well my family is supportive for the most part. I am fairly young at 31, and a relative newbie to going kilted. My wife sometimes shakes her head, but in a playful manner. My oldest (15) is mortified to be seen with me if I wear it, but my two younger ones, (8 and 9), think it is cool.

    Anyhow, I am comfortable in it, but respect the wishes of my family, namely my oldest daughter, and consider that when I choose to go kilted. Keeping my family happy comes first and foremost to me. Although I think my oldest child will eventually come around to liking it, you know how teenagers are, always worried what their friends will think.......

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