If you're looking for a friendly kilt-centric community.. you came to the right place
Although, out of the three clans you mentioned, I'd have a hard time deciding on a tartan. It's amazing how similar the MacGregor of Balquhidder tartan is to the MacLeod of Raasay tartan. Can't think of a better excuse to buy kilts in all three tartans.. as if you needed an excuse
Yes, the tartans are all very similar. I think my next tartan will be a MacLeod Hunting. I am already addicted and my first kilt hasnt arrived yet. going to go to the KC ren fest in full scottish dress in a few weeks. Good to hear from a fellow clan mate!
Keep me posted on the Springfield kilt night. I am building up the courage while waiting on my kilt to venture out in my "man skirt." I am very proud of my heritage but I'm sure the first time anyone dons a kilt there is a moment of thinking "wow, im gonna catch a lot of crap for this." Not that that will stop me but a kilt night with my fellow scots will be most enjoyable.