8th October 07, 08:50 AM
 Originally Posted by Archangel
I know you know this, it's hard not releasing all your powers when you're amongst friends, even ones that put an edge that close to you.
Be very well.
LOL....Actually, Casey's Basket Hilt is a backsword, so the sharp edge is actually facing out and away from her ...ditto for the pic with Victoria. Also it was sharp but not that sharp. It did have a real point to it, though.
As for the Avatar, McMurdo....LOL...Time to make a quick grab of that pic,and crank up a graphics program!
8th October 07, 08:56 AM
 Originally Posted by Yaish
77 ft for the light hammer is a great throw, period, not just for you.
I"ve got a ways to go to catch Jim and Steve, though. Jim pulled out a 84 foot toss, about average for him, and Steve did an 80, just inches away from a PR for him, too. I think I'll push it out to 80 next season. I should have made 12 feet at WOB, I did it at Livermore but that's OK..... Steve and Jim really put on a show at the WOB, with Steve getting himself a PR at 15 feet with standard technique, and Jim giving him a run for the money at 14, and darned-near clearing 15 with the spin technique. I have video of all that!
8th October 07, 09:12 AM
 Originally Posted by Yaish
And TimC, great job on the caber! My brother in law, who I have gotten into the games finally turned his first caber at Monterrey. More than anything else, that made his day. There is something just satisfying about seeing that caber falling away from you.
Thanks Yaish, The last time I saw that caber was at the Campbell games and it the only caber that I hadn't turned So seeing it go over on Saturday was awesome.
Alan, Rich, Star, James, Kent, Madalyne and Cassey, thank you all for your support while I'm out there throwing. I always feel as if I have the advantage with so many freinds passing thru the crowd. Now, if I could just somehow figured out how NOT to crash right after the games, I'd be capable of making the meal with you all afterwards!
8th October 07, 10:33 AM
 Originally Posted by Alan H
LOL....Actually, Casey's Basket Hilt is a backsword, so the sharp edge is actually facing out and away from her ...ditto for the pic with Victoria. Also it was sharp but not that sharp. It did have a real point to it, though.
As for the Avatar, McMurdo....LOL...Time to make a quick grab of that pic,and crank up a graphics program!
Glad everybody was having fun, and I don't want to blow things out of proportion.
I'll give you my perspective:
1. I started training with swords at a military academy in Edinburgh when I was six years old. So I've been raised with that kind of playing with blades is very similar to pointing guns: you just don't do it. Poop happens: here at the London Club, years ago, we had an incident requiring surgery around the eye. The blade had gone into the eye cavity, the rubber tip saved the eye but the corner of the eye socket was cut. A very frightening moment for the two experienced fencers.
2. Preparing seminars for women's self-defense, delivering them and the work I do now, all make me aware that both pictures involved "threat", specifically to women. That's typical, it doesn't make the guy a bad person. It's just something that's not noticed until pointed out. Something to think about. Of course, it may be the case that the "threat" was posed with men and no picture was taken, or it wasn't posted. But that would be unusual.
In all this, please don't take offense. It's an area I've chosen to try and stay sensitive to.
If everybody was having fun, and the women felt that they were in a "safe place", then, fine, it's really none of my business. And, I'm more than happy to leave it there.
I've just learned to double-check that "safe place" concept.
Respect, peace.
8th October 07, 10:56 AM
 Originally Posted by Archangel
Glad everybody was having fun, and I don't want to blow things out of proportion.
I'll give you my perspective:
1. I started training with swords at a military academy in Edinburgh when I was six years old. So I've been raised with that kind of playing with blades is very similar to pointing guns: you just don't do it. Poop happens: here at the London Club, years ago, we had an incident requiring surgery around the eye. The blade had gone into the eye cavity, the rubber tip saved the eye but the corner of the eye socket was cut. A very frightening moment for the two experienced fencers.
2. Preparing seminars for women's self-defense, delivering them and the work I do now, all make me aware that both pictures involved "threat", specifically to women. That's typical, it doesn't make the guy a bad person. It's just something that's not noticed until pointed out. Something to think about. Of course, it may be the case that the "threat" was posed with men and no picture was taken, or it wasn't posted. But that would be unusual.
In all this, please don't take offense. It's an area I've chosen to try and stay sensitive to.
If everybody was having fun, and the women felt that they were in a "safe place", then, fine, it's really none of my business. And, I'm more than happy to leave it there.
I've just learned to double-check that "safe place" concept.
Respect, peace.
It was a "safe place", and I'm the last person in the world to actually threaten anybody, that goes three times over for women in general..... and even much less so, the F-H.C.A.G, whom I consider a most wonderful friend, and ditto for Victoria. It's all in good fun and rampant silliness
Panache mentioned using caution shortly after the picture that you're seeing was taken, which I took to heart and made sure that the tip was elsewhere after that.
I want to make sure that everybody groks that there's no intent to hurt, intimidate or threaten anybody in any of those pictures...none, zip, zero and I believe that the women involved were just fine with it. If they weren't, and told me so then I'd drop the whole thing in a millisecond and apologise all over myself.
On another note, I just looked at the tape of the "athletics". It's blank...nothing, nada, zip. ...Black screen.... I am not happy at all, not at ALL, as I messed with that blasted camera all bleedin' day long.
8th October 07, 04:51 PM
Those were some great pictures thanks for sharing I felt like I was there with you all..
9th October 07, 11:11 AM
Looks like you all had a really good time. Congratulations to Alan and Tim for doing so well!
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
9th October 07, 01:10 PM
This entire thread is wonderful!
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
9th October 07, 03:35 PM
Great pics thanks for sharing
9th October 07, 04:13 PM
Great pics. It looks like a good time was had by all.
 Originally Posted by Panache
Mad dogs and Scotsman?

My brother's middle name is Wallace, you know ...
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