12th October 07, 08:20 PM
Fashion fades, style is eternal. Yves Saint Laurent
You sir are a stylish dude...
12th October 07, 09:16 PM
Jeeeeeees. Take it easy, man.
Fashion is inspiring to me. But kilts are a step above and beyond that often frivolous world, for their history and quality.
Who said kilts were fashionable?
13th October 07, 08:26 AM
Oh Puhleeeeze, Alan, show us the predator camo kilt with the saxaphone tie! Pretty please!
13th October 07, 09:11 AM
i dont think kilt would fall under fashion but maybe characteristics and sense of good looks?
13th October 07, 11:22 AM
Too me fashion doesn't conjure the "money wasted by people who don't have a clue what the world is really like" issue (Partly because I've never spent enough time around people like that, partly because I've always been too poor to waste large amounts of money on clothes, and partly because I already think like that about virtually everything independent of context). The only exception is the case of my sister in law, who has a $600 a month shoe habit. Of course, I think that's less of a fashion thing and more of an addiction, as she has to hide new shoes in the trunk of her ca until they have been broken in, so her husband doesn't realize they are knew. Or maybe it's religious, as she does have a large shoe shrine in her shoe room (formerly the spare bedroom)
but I digress....
To me, fashion is tyranny. It is a strange form of mass hysteria in which unsettlingly large numbers of people take it upon themselves to judge others based entirely on their adherence to some nonsensical laws which are constantly being revised by vacuous ninnies with too much time and absolutely no awareness of anything significant or meaningful in life. And should anyone be found to be violating these laws, they feel it is necessary to chastise, stigmatize and possibly even sterilize them.
It is an unfortunate part of human nature that as social beings it is part of our psychological make up to not only go with the group, but to look down on those who do not. Sad as it is, there is a part of us that is basically sheep. Some of us just seem to listen to it more than others.
But on the other hand, one of my fashionazi friends has bought clothes for me (working with me, not just picking it all herself) as an act of charity, and because she knows I was trying to attract a potential mate. It seems that the ladies in my age group are even worse about judging people based on clothing than the general population. Sigh...
That said, I am all for people using clothes as a form of artistic expression. Just as long as they don't force it on others. Especially dogs. I hate that, and I'm sure they do as well.
14th October 07, 02:18 PM
How did Jaime know that song was going through my head as I was reading the first part ???????????? 
I've got a plan, IF some wise guy ever makes a dress comment at kilt/beer night, I'll just have him stand in front of Alan and yell Fashion !!! 
Chris said the beer was questionable last time, what up with that?
CT - sinus p-p-p-p-p-pressure
Last edited by CameronTaylor; 15th October 07 at 12:45 PM.
14th October 07, 06:01 PM
They seek him here, they seek him there,
His clothes are loud, but never square.
It will make or break him so hes got to buy the best,
'cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion.
And when he does his little rounds,
round the boutiques of London town,
Eagerly pursuing all the latest fads and trends,
cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion.
Oh yes he is (oh yes he is), oh yes he is (oh yes he is).
He thinks he is a flower to be looked at,
And when he pulls his frilly nylon panties right up tight,
He feels a dedicated follower of fashion.
Oh yes he is (oh yes he is), oh yes he is (oh yes he is).
Theres one thing that he loves and that is flattery.
One week he's in polka-dots, the next week he is in stripes.
cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion.
They seek him here, they seek him there,
In Regent Street and Leicester Square.
Everywhere the carnabetian army marches on,
Each one an dedicated follower of fashion.
Oh yes he is (oh yes he is), oh yes he is (oh yes he is).
His world is built round discoteques and parties.
This pleasure-seeking individual always looks his best
cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion.
Oh yes he is (oh yes he is), oh yes he is (oh yes he is).
He flits from shop to shop just like a butterfly.
In matters of the cloth he is as fickle as can be,
cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion.
He's a dedicated follower of fashion.
He's a dedicated follower of fashion.
- The Kinks, Dedicated Follower of Fashion
Thank you, Alan, for putting that song in my head for the last two days. 
Ignore what's "fashionable," and wear what you like, when you like, for as long as you like - within reason and guidelines of style (that's PC & waistcoat w/o belt style, not "trendy style").
And I would like to see that tie, as well.
15th October 07, 12:42 AM
I'm feeling pretty vacant myself ...
CT - and I don't care
15th October 07, 11:17 AM
I'd like to state here and now, that I'm not "stylish" either. *GRUMP*
15th October 07, 02:06 PM
So we now have another, even more heinous "F-word" to not use in polite company. Add this to the list of words that the software will automatically put in ***** for us.
What, pray tell, does the expression, "the F-H.C.A.G." mean, though? From the context, I assume it is she who shares your household ownership/occupation/responsibilities, but please explain the acronym.
Lovin' the breeze 'tween m'knees!
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