Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
No, wait..that's not right. Miz String, where might I purchase euclean or Soak Woolwash? there's a knitting store in my town, might they have it?
Yes your local yarn store should have it. Also I forgot Kookaburra woolwash, that is another good one.

If you are in north america knitpicks has eucelan and kookaburra http://knitpicks.com/Kookaburra+Wool...ookaburra.html


Soak is a bit less common, but I picked it up at a yarn store near here. Any yarn store worth their salt should have some sort of woolwash. And if there is no yarn store nearby (poor thing) then most any large online yarn seller will have it.

The advantage of Soak is that it's no rince, which is good in some knitting situations.