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Thread: Pink Kilt...?

  1. #31
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    Check this out....SCORE


    Pink McKellar special weave tartan, looks like she might have 3 yards x 30 inches, not enough for a kilt but it might be worth an e-mail on ebay.

  2. #32
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    What about doing like the king did, and wearing pink hose?

  3. #33
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by highlander_Daz View Post
    what about archie the inventor?

    My kids love Balamory!

  4. #34
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nearly McGurk View Post
    As recently married lass, this post strikes a cord. I've heard so many bride's dictate or 'request with force' that there partners should wear a certain thing or colour (with pink i really hate this). I hate it when i bride says 'Your kilt should match the theme'. There's so much more to a kilt that aesthetics! Traditionally a wedding would be full of many colours of kilt as each guest would be wearing their tartan. Kilts don't have to match, there meaning is more important than that! I wanted a red and ivory wedding, which i got, but McGurk was in a green, white and yellow tartan because it was appropriate to his heritage (an mine coincidentally).

    I really hope this person is doing this because he wants to, not because he feel he has to. I hate the theory it's the brides day. Two people get wed, not one! Not everything HAS to co-ordinate! If he wears something he doesn't really like he'll look back on photos with regret, which isn't fair. I really hope this man is doing it because he genuinely wants to. If i had ever indicated i wanted McGurk to do as i wished kilt wise i'd be ashamed of myself. I get to choose my dress and colours, so should the groom!

    Sorry for the rant, i just talk to so many brides with a 'It's my day attitude' and i don't like it. I really hope that isn't what's happening here. Men, you do have a right to the wedding outfit you adore too!
    If more brides agreed with you my life would be so much simpler.

    Ah, one can dream.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chef View Post
    If more brides agreed with you my life would be so much simpler.

    Ah, one can dream.
    I've had a girl give me wrong before, because i told her that her groom didn't HAVE to wear pink. She told me if i wanted a mish mash wedding that was my choice but she wanted co-ordination. So i told her 'So be it, but i'm the one who's happy and content, you're the one stressed out of your mind'. There's just not point. And looking at mine and McGurk's wedding photos they aren't 'mish mash' at all. Brides are funny creatures, i think they loose sight of any sort of priorities at times. Ah well....

  6. #36
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    Girls are brought up to believe the wedding day is THE biggest day, the MOST important day of a woman's life. Most girls have dreamt about their weddings for years, planning every detail, poring over the bridal magazines, dressing their dollies as brides. This is one time a loving fiance really should humour her little whims, IMHO. Her wedding day is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream -- let her dream come true. Make her dream come true. Be a dream-come-true guy. Reality will rear its ugly head soon enough!

    Yes, it is an important day for both the bride and the groom, of course. And I, personally, think trying to coordinate kilts with the bridemaids' dresses and other decorations isn't necessary -- it's certainly not traditional. The normal thing is for the men to all wear their own tartans, or failing that, a fairly neutral tartan like Black Watch. If any of the kilts will be rented/hired, rather than bought, nothing very exotic, and certainly nothing in pink, will be found anywhere in the U.S. With 9 tartan choices, we probably have one of the more extensive kilt rental/hire ranges in North America, but nary a pink tartan amongst them. The closest thing to pink we have for hire is MacLean of Duart (a lighter shade of red is the predominant colour). Most shops offer Black Watch and/or Royal Stewart, and a couple more choices, at most. To have kilts made for all the groomsmen gets quite expensive. It would look much, much better to rent good-quality worsted wool kilts in something that wouldn't clash with the pink too badly than to have cheap kilts (i.e., less than 8-yards, and/or made of something other than Scottish worsted wool twill of a suitable weight) in a pinkish tartan.

    BUT -- it's her Big Day. So again I say, be sensitive to that, guys! It really, really matters to her, if she's like most girls.


    Last edited by Thistle Stop; 12th April 08 at 09:27 PM.

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