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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by davecolorado72 View Post
    I am around the Colorado Springs area. My family came from Cork so I imagine Munster would be best. I would like to have more of a conversational ability. Right now I just know phrases.
    family origins may not be the best reason to choose a dialect. The Connacht dialect is the most widely spoken. Online, I would recommend Daltai na Gaeilge (http://www.daltai.com/home.htm).

  2. #22
    Awesome man, thanks for that. Will check it out.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by davecolorado72 View Post
    Nothin' wrong with voting Sinn Fein mate......
    As an Irishman, who is a nationalist, I'd say there is a lot wrong with voting for a political party which represents not the aspirations of the majority of the Irish people, but rather the political agenda of the IRA.

    But, as our Moderators will now say, there is no place for politics on the X Marks site so I, for one, will make no further comment on the subject.

    Good luck with your Irish lessons!

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    As an Irishman, who is a nationalist, I'd say there is a lot wrong with voting for a political party which represents not the aspirations of the majority of the Irish people, but rather the political agenda of the IRA.

    But, as our Moderators will now say, there is no place for politics on the X Marks site so I, for one, will make no further comment on the subject.

    Good luck with your Irish lessons!
    Ha, you sure said an awful lot about politics by trying to "not" say anything about politics. I wasn't the one that brought up Sinn Fein mate. I think that would be you that brought that up. I was entitled to reply.

    But you're right, this isn't the forum so I won't comment.
    Last edited by davecolorado72; 13th February 08 at 10:17 PM.

  5. #25
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I know a number of native (Scots) Gaelic speakers and their great sadness is not having anyone to speak with when they move to the city from their homes. I wish you well learning the language and you will maybe then take yourself to a community for a while where you can really immerse yourself in the language and culture. I think that is perhaps the only way to really appreciate the beauty and nuance of the language.

  6. #26
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    those Irish theme pubs drive me crazy, !! Thousands of years of history, famine and troubles and it comes down to silly green hats and Shamrocks.

    each to their own but really if you want to see an Irish pub go to Ireland ! and its nothing like those lepracaun grottos !

    Sorry for the rant

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by beloitpiper View Post
    family origins may not be the best reason to choose a dialect. The Connacht dialect is the most widely spoken. Online, I would recommend Daltai na Gaeilge (http://www.daltai.com/home.htm).
    That's a great one. Thank you!
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by highlander_Daz View Post

    those Irish theme pubs drive me crazy, !! Thousands of years of history, famine and troubles and it comes down to silly green hats and Shamrocks.

    each to their own but really if you want to see an Irish pub go to Ireland ! and its nothing like those lepracaun grottos !

    Sorry for the rant
    TOTALLY agree with you. I don't go to the "Irish pub" in town on St. Patrick's Day, I go to my favorite one. Good craic is more Irish than green beer and a map of Ireland on the wall.

  9. #29
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    indeed! Oh forgot the green beer -never touch the stuff

  10. #30
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    There are many around here, unfortunately. I call them "Shamrock Sports Bars"!
    [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]John Hart[/COLOR]
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