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  1. #51
    BEEDEE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tyger132 View Post
    Ok this may sound like a stupid question, but when you say WPG, what does that mean?
    Usually mean What Price Glory - a retailer of military uniforms that has a small range of kilts.

    Great to see a bunch of SEKS maniacs out enjoying themselves.


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  2. #52
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    Great pictures, looks like a good time was had by all. Turpin, you must tell Grant your secret, and you are right about the What Price Glory kilt, they are excellent in the winter.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    Actually it's me wearing the WPG Gordon, and it was quite handy on the breezy cold of last evening.

    Sorry you couldn't make it, but life does get in the way; it's what happens while you're planning something else. And thanks for noticing the WPG; it's a great kilt for the money, especially on cold nights.

    I was misreading the ID on a picture (the one at the bar).

    I was a partial planner (mostly on BOTK), but didn't realize it was Sat.
    Also, sick kids and going down on Tuesday (not wanting to go there on Sat, return home Sunday and turn around and return on Tues.

    Great SEKS includes South Carolina, too.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by tyger132 View Post
    Ok this may sound like a stupid question, but when you say WPG, what does that mean?

  5. #55
    Panache's Avatar
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    It looks like a finely turned out rabble and a great evening,


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    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  6. #56
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    Hello Rabble, another reporter to be heard from. The photo with Turpin and the lass under her kilt has a much larger story to it. As I was returning from the wash room, the group of FOUR of them stopped me to ask "the Question". They got about 6 different answers through out the night. Kilt checks were in order and more than one of us had out kilts felt throughout the night! It is really too bad that Grant was not there. He might of gotten his first "check".

    It was also rather funny watching Turpins sporran be passed around and even better when he removed the flap and the lassies started wearing it as a hat. Funnier still is when one of the lasses asked Turpin if she could pet it while he was wearing it.

    I will not relate the story of the chestnuts, however. As this is a family forum!

    I will say that a great time was had by all and this was our largest gathering to date. I do hope it is not the last!
    "A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." anon

  7. #57
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    I fear that Mike makes it sound like a much rowdier evening than it was. Other than Turpin entertaining the ladies at the birthday party--and quite honestly, all in proper manner--it wasn't actually that rowdy. We're mostly a little old--except for CavScount, who sat with his back to the wall, and SouthernScot, who, is young and handsome.

    David and I thought we were really something turning all those ladies' heads until we realized they were looking at Scot! I think our wives were OK with that.
    Jim Killman
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  8. #58
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    The number of people we have involved in SEKS is increasing at every gathering!

    You have to remember that Mikes been in India for 6 months, so even though it was no Discotech or Bali-wood theatre, it's one of the rowdier times in a while

    But yes, the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Great SEKS, had a very nice evening. Every time I get together with this crowd I'm amazed and energized by the vastness of each individuals background. It is a testament to the wide appeal of the kilt and it almost makes me sad for those who have not worn the kilt and even more sad for those who choose not to...oh well, that leaves more for the rest of us, right?

    The culture clash moments of the evening for me were mostly on the MARTA train with Mike. Little did we realize, there was a moto-cross event downtown that night that "drew all the finest people". Teenage boys who were petrefied and intimidated by the site of a kilt...must have been English ;) To my enjoyment, several people along the way complimented the kilt. Many of whom I would not have expected to even consider what a kilt was. The other fringe benefit of wearing a kilt on MARTA...you get a seat all to yourself, even on the most crowded of trains
    Last edited by cavscout; 24th February 08 at 10:55 PM.

  9. #59
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    I enjoyed meeting each of you and look forward to meeting each of you felt very welcome. I am looking forward to future events.

  10. #60
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    I enjoyed meeting each of you and look forward to meeting each of you felt very welcome. I am looking forward to future events.
    Ben, it was good to meet you.

    I drove all the way from Chicago to have Great S.E.K.S. and had a great time. CavScout is right. The MARTA ride produced some interesting reactions including the young ladies on the opposite platform who took pictures of Turpin and me and giggled uncontrollably when they realized that we'd seen them.
    Animo non astutia

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