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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    How high? How low?


    I'm new here, so HI everyone! Please excuse my first post being a question, I'll try to make up for it later.

    I am wearing my first kilt. My wife bought it for my birthday. My question is regarding measurements, and such. I checked out the website of the vendor where she bought it ("TartanWeb". Great company, great product, but one of the worst websites ever). I have also been checking out the UtiliKilt site for information.

    It seems that the trad kilt is worn with the belt around the belly. (The measurement FAQ on the TartanWeb site says to measure at belly button level.) But the UtiliKilt site says to measure at the hip. (Where most people wear jeans.) So, I'm wearing my traditional kilt with the belt around my (ample) belly, but I wish it was around my hip.
    Now, here's my first question: does anyone wear a trad kilt on the hips, a' la UtiliKilt?

    My second question regards the sporran. At what height should it be worn? The straps/chain on my TartanWeb sporran was way too long. (I'm pretty sure it's not meant to be lower that the hem.) So I'm adjusting it, and I'm wondering whether I should shorten the chain or the strap (or both). Where should the chain start and the strap end? At what height should one's sporran be? I've looked at some pictures, and there seems to be a fairly large acceptable range.



  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Welcome. I would suggest wearing the traditional-like kilt at the higher level. You will want the bottom of the kilt to be about mid knee level or even at the top of the knee.

    I do not wear UK kilts, so I can't comment on those.

    The sporran on a trad kilt will be worn about three to four fingers below the bottom of the belt if you were to wear a regular width kilt belt. It can bee a little lower or higher if that is comfortable to you.

    Hope that helps a little and enjoy the forum.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  3. #3
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    Dear Mr Crocker,

    Thank you for your reply, it was very helpful. It seems that I am wearing my kilt correctly, but wearing my sporran a tad too low. I have already adjusted the chain, so I will now adjust the strap a notch or two.

    I'd like to hear other opinions. Any UK wearers out there? I'd be interested in your thoughts also.

    Best Regards,


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Welcome and happy birthday!

    Sounds like you're wearing you kilt properly. Utilikilts are designed to be worn lower than traditional kilts. There are numerous examples in the "Show us your pics" section of the forum (now unlocked, but go to the bottom of the screen to change the "Display Options" to show threads to "Last month" or greater.) You won't look good wearing a traditional kilt around your hips. (You now have an excuse to get a Utilikilt, too! )

    The sporran is usually worn about three finger widths below the belt buckle. (No belt when wearing a vest, but in the same relative position.) The strap should have a buckle in the back for adjustment. How long are the chains, anyway?

    There are now 160+ pages in the "Kilt Do's and Dont's" thread to enjoy. Have a look!

    Your wife bought you your first kilt? Lucky guy!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    You should think about jettisoning the chain all together, and going with either a leather sporran strap, or leather hangers. Why, you ask? Because chains have tiny sharp edges on each link, and over time, can be rather damaging to your prize possession, your kilt. A number of places sell leather straps, which fit and behave the same way as the chain / strap belt; others have sporran hangers, which attach to the belt, and hang the sporran below.

    As a gentleman of some girth, I prefer hangers, as they eliminate the risk of having the sporran strap creep under my belly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I wear my UK at the same level as my jeans, and the top of my traditional is actually an inch or so above my navel. My Stillwater sits right at the navel, but it doesn't have the same rise as a handsewn.
    An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
    (When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)

    Kiltio Ergo Sum.
    I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    First things first! Welcome,from a snowy Inverness-shire.

    I can only speak about the traditional kilt.I have never seen any other at first hand.The top of the kilt may be a couple of inches above the belly button so with a belt on, the bottom of your belt would be around and about your belly button, a hands width below the bottom edge of your belt is about right for the top of your sporran.Might I suggest,as others have done,that you change your sporran chain for a leather stap.It will be kinder to your kilt that way.Have fun with your kilt.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Welcome from Oregon's beautiful Willamette Valley!

    Sounds like your first kilt is a hit! And you did the most important thing, which was to go to that vendor's site and see how they want your measurements...each vendor is diifferent, and it's important to see how they want you to measure as well as how/where they design their kilts to be worn.

    It might feel odd at first to have your traditional kilt belted around your middle, but it will give you the best fit and is generally more flattering there, even with (well, especially with) a prominent belly. The sporran usually takes a bit of "figuring;" some prefer hangers that attach to the belt, some prefer the sep. sporran strap. Like others have said a plain strap is better for your kilt than the chain that pobably came with it.

    Have fun perusing the photos gallery, when you are comfortable post a few of your own.

    Welcome to the Rabble, and Kilt on!


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Thank you all for your advice, and thank you Mr. Walkerk for your birthday wishes!

    I now know for sure that I'm wearing my kilt correctly. Much obliged!

    I will also be buying a UtiliKilt, but just for something to wear when I'm working on the carburetters of my Moto Guzzi.

    OK, the sporran.. what do you mean by; "No belt when wearing a vest". ...Sorry, I'm a newbie.

    The strap does have a buckle, but at it's ultimate hole, and with the chains crossed over it is still at my knees! I have removed two dozen links, and it still isn't right. I think I will take your corporate advice and lose the chain.

    Your wife bought you your first kilt? Lucky guy!
    Yep, that makes me lucky ay? I've wanted a kilt for years now. I was planning to get one when I finally get to go back to the homeland. But my wonderful wife gave me one for my 50th birthday. It seems it was a mammoth task, especially the machinations she went through to get my vital statistics. She's a wonderful woman my wife.

    Thank you Mr. MacDougall. I will jettisoning the chain. You are not the first to say so.

    What is a sporran hanger? Even before I know what it is I want one!



  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Welcome and enjoy! (The advice just about covers your question)
    Andy in Ithaca, NY
    Exile from Northumberland

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