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View Poll Results: Should we make an XMTS Moderator Appreciation day?

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  • Yes they deserve it. Let's celebrate it on June 28th!

    61 61.62%
  • No they don't deserve... it's not like their job is hard.

    8 8.08%
  • Yes they deserve it, but I don't know when we should celebrate it.

    30 30.30%
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  1. #41
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    Forget the mods when is Smart@$$ day?

  2. #42
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Forget the mods when is Smart@$$ day?
    In my house - Every Day!!!

  3. #43
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    Well it looks like the Mod Holiday is a definite yes. The poll doesn't close until Tuesday but I think that it's probably going to pass. There is a week until the28th, so if you live in the same state as a Mod from here, now's the time to start planning to get together with them if possible.

    Cheers on the new holiday Mods, you deserve it! I'll make sure to buy any of you a pint the first time I meet you since I don't live nearby any of you.


  4. #44
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    oh, this poll isnt fair! it shows who voted what way! you guys that voted "no" better watch your butts, we know who the Mods will be gunnin for now! lol

  5. #45
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    There is a story, perhaps apocryphal, of a slave who used to sit behind the Roman Emperor and whisper "you too are mortal". The hopes were that it would prevent hubris, arrogance, and the believe that they were above all evryone.

    Same here.

    I'm a mod at several other sites, and it can be a thankless job. Of course, one isn't supposed to get into it for the thanks and the appreciation. It's a voluntary accepted position, and one does it because they want to give back to the community which they are a part of. Or because like the nagging nellies in a Home Owners Association they just like the idea of power. Neither really deserves anything special.

  6. #46
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    I really appreciate the Mods, and all they put into running this wonderful site. I am grateful for the X Marks community and grateful to have found it.

    (As I sit kilted outside of Yosemite, ahhh.... life is sweet)


    Marshal Moroni
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  7. #47
    Mike1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaish View Post
    Neither really deserves anything special.

    So let me see if I can take a wild guess, here. None of the cats you've been herding on these other forums has ever taken the time to thank you for your service. So you feel the need to squeeze these fellows' shoes about it, right?

    Take a look at the OP, Yaish. Nelson didn't submit it. Neither did Colin, Todd, Jamie, Glen or Bradley.

    And before the whinging starts, let me remind everyone I am no longer a member of the XMtS moderating staff. Which means if the mods don't care for me stepping in here and calling a spade a spade, they can remove this post and slap me with an infraction. Oh, wait, I know - :ban:

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1 View Post

    So let me see if I can take a wild guess, here. None of the cats you've been herding on these other forums has ever taken the time to thank you for your service. So you feel the need to squeeze these fellows' shoes about it, right?

    Take a look at the OP, Yaish. Nelson didn't submit it. Neither did Colin, Todd, Jamie, Glen or Bradley.

    And before the whinging starts, let me remind everyone I am no longer a member of the XMtS moderating staff. Which means if the mods don't care for me stepping in here and calling a spade a spade, they can remove this post and slap me with an infraction. Oh, wait, I know - :ban:
    Actually, very few posters there know I am a mod. When done well it doesn't come up.

    I know it wasn't a mod who made the initial suggestion, and I am sure they had nothing to do with it. I completely understand if others want to express their appreciation for the job the moderators do. Personally, my opinion is different. It's not that I dislike them in anyway because of their Mod duties, it's just that I don't see it deserving anything additionally for recognition.

    It's a volunteer job, you do it because you want to. If you feel under appreciated and over worked then don't do it.

  9. #49
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    I do believe that the Mods do it because they want to, and if any of them think that they are over worked and underappreciated then you are right, why deal with it?

    But just because things have negatives, doesn't mean you necessarily give up on them. I feel that I am underpaid and underappreciated at work, BUT I still love my job.

    I thought up this M.A.D. (mod appreciation day), for multiple reasons.

    Not only do I enjoy the topic on this forum, but it's maintained well and I am grateful for that. There are SOOOO many websites out there where people get all crazy angry at each other for voicing their opinions. You don't really see that much here, and when you do, a MOD is usually pretty quick to step in. I know that it's their job, but I can still appreciate them for it.

    Firefighters' job's are to go put out fires. If I thank them they'll say, "Just doing my job", but that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate them for it. I still am grateful for them putting out the fire.

    Moderators are the internet firefighters for forum websites. They keep everything under control. They keep me wanting to come back and contribute. For that I am grateful, and would gladly raise a pint with them.
    They're not superheros, supervillains, or anything overly special, but there's nothing wrong with thanking them for everything they've done.

    I've made some pretty good friends because of this website, and I hope to make many more. If this website was full of cussing, hateful people then most of the people that I would want to get to know wouldn't be here.

    At the same time, we all have our own opinions, which is part of what makes this a great place. We can agree to disagree and carry on.

    So, Cheers!

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