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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    Can someone translate what we are looking at here?

    I can't 'read the stickers' of foreign ranks and units.

    Baroness Anne the mirthful of Fritterton on the Heath

    From associated Article

    Round Rock, Texas native Master Sgt. Clifford Lindell (right), non-commissioned officer in charge of operations, 1st Cavalry Division, congratulates his boss, British Army Maj. John Russell, chief of operations, 1st Cav. Div., who hails from Chalford, Gloucestershire, England, after a ceremony July 3 at Fort Hood, Texas in which Russell received the Order of St. Maurice medallion."

    American Sgt Major is wearing: Combat Infantryman's Badge, Bronze Star (with V device to denote awarded in a combat zone), Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (multiple awards), Army Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense (sic) Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense (sic) Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, NCO Professional Development Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Well I suppose those wide brims will stop the rain getting in when they are swanning around the countryside in their tanks(not talking about kilts here!) with the hatches open!Sorry all, I am only jealous, I had to march!
    The "cav hats" as pictured are largely a ceremonial thing these days, worn by Cavalry units who trace their lineage back to the old horse cavalry; I had a friend in university who served with the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment who had his "cav hat" hanging on his apartment wall.

    Ironically, the "cav hat" itself is really more of a modern-style hat; the US Army only wore one black slouch hat during the Indian campaigns, the exception being private purchase civilian slouch hats and straw boater affairs:


    The M1872 campaign hat had hook-and-eyes on the brim to allow the brim to be folded up, a la a "fore-and-aft" hat.

    After several experimental models, In 1889, the US Army adopted another campaign hat, the M1889:


    This was the hat worn during the Spanish-American and Philippine Wars; during the later conflict, soldiers began to adopt the famous "Montana Peak" and thus created the ancestor of the "DI/Smokey Bear" hat worn today.



  3. #13
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    Thanks for the information - the major will be a Peregrinous (?) of the Order, then.

    From his expression - to answer the question - no, I don't think that the hat will catch on. I am sure he will treasure it always, he just can't wait to take it off.

    The US still dresses its soldiers better than the UK.

    Baroness Anne the mirthful of Fritterton on the Heath

  4. #14
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post

    The US still dresses its soldiers better than the UK.

    Baroness Anne the mirthful of Fritterton on the Heath
    Can't agree with that one, neither would a friend of mine who is a former paratrooper serving with the Missouri National Guard. He constantly lamented how the Brits and Commonwealth forces retained regimental customs and traditions better than the Yanks.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    Thanks for the information - the major will be a Peregrinous (?) of the Order, then.

    From his expression - to answer the question - no, I don't think that the hat will catch on. I am sure he will treasure it always, he just can't wait to take it off.
    The US still dresses its soldiers better than the UK.

    Baroness Anne the mirthful of Fritterton on the Heath
    Much as I hate to disagree with you, but nevertheless ,I disagree! I am rather proud of our British uniforms and happen to think we dress our soldiers rather well in comparison.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    The US still dresses its soldiers better than the UK.

    Bobbins, however there is no accounting for individual taste!!

    When was the last time you watched the Queen's Birthday Parade for starters??

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    He constantly lamented how the Brits and Commonwealth forces retained regimental customs and traditions better than the Yanks.


  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post

    The US still dresses its soldiers better than the UK.
    IMHO the only US military that comes close to dressing as well as the UK are the Marines, especially when it comes to dress and ceremonial uniforms.\.


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    Quote Originally Posted by BEEDEE View Post
    IMHO the only US military that comes close to dressing as well as the UK are the Marines, especially when it comes to dress and ceremonial uniforms.\.


    In my opinion, no uniform comes close to the dress blues of the US Marine Corps.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BEEDEE View Post
    IMHO the only US military that comes close to dressing as well as the UK are the Marines, especially when it comes to dress and ceremonial uniforms.\.

    I really liked wearing my dress greens with jump boots on but I have to admit the marine dress uniforms look really nice.
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