28th April 08, 02:46 AM
Thanks Glen, for a brief check-in. I have in the past made posts that after reflection, should not have been made in the first place. I have made a personal policy now, that if I feel a "need" to respond in a negative manner to a post, that I wait at least an hour or two before posting. I have found that the number of my negative responses has dwindled. Moral of the story....stop and count to ten..... people might like you better.
28th April 08, 03:21 AM
One of my mother's favorite sayings was "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything." I really to try to live by this.
28th April 08, 03:52 AM
I am sure the moderating staff appreciate your kind words, but that wasn't the primary reason behind this thread.
We've had some situations where some posts have crossed some lines, with respect to the language that was being used.
We don't need to use locker room language to convey our thoughts on this forum. If you think you need this type of language in one of your posts, then it is time to reconsider what you are about to post.
We are fortunate to have incredible amounts of traffic passing through this forum each day. Some may visit only once and never come back, whilst some may decide to become members and participate.
We cannot know the ages of these guests. We cannot know the sex of these guests. We cannot know the nationalities of these guests. We cannot know the religious preferences of these guests. And the bottom line to all of this is there is absolutely no reason we need to know.
None of these things is what brings us together on this forum. What brings us together is the kilt.
So let's all try to remember that we may have very young children visiting this forum, just as easily as we may have sensitive mothers and fathers visiting. The visitors come from all corners of the globe and from all walks of life.
With that in mind, try to submit posts accordingly. Ask yourself, do others really need to read a post with excessive anatomical references? Do others really need to read a post with thinly-veiled profanities? Do others really need to read a post with sexual references?
If you're struggling to come up with an answer to those questions, let me help you - the answers are all 'no'. Please try to post accordingly, as it will only help this forum continue to grow.
28th April 08, 06:11 AM
I have to admire how this forum is run. As admin of another forum (unrelated topic) I strive for the same standard. Too often I find forums to be filled with flaming attacks, post after post of negativity and fussing, or filled with posts that are meant to incite in some way.
Xmarks has always been one of the best, most relaxing forums to visit. I'm glad to know it will continue to be so.
3rd August 08, 10:59 AM
3rd August 08, 11:25 AM
3rd August 08, 12:50 PM
well said, keep it this way guys.
slainte tae ya
3rd August 08, 02:11 PM
Since I came to X Marks the Scot somewhat by accident one day I've come to regard this as a welcome daily break from the rest of the world, and "in your face communication." I'm pleased to echo the comments above with the reflection that here I find open minds and gentle if passionate hearts sharing our common interest. Truly Ladies and Gentlemen.
"Dost think, in a moment of anger,
'Tis well with thy seniors to fight?
They prosper, who burn in the morning,
The letters they wrote over-night;
For some there be, shelved. and forgotten,
With nothing to thank for their fate,
Save That (on a half-sheet of foolscap),
Which a fool "had the honour to state---."
Admiral Ronald Hopwood, C.B. The Laws Of The Navy
For all the rest we can go out to Fox News and let them shout at us after a pleasant break here.
Fair winds,
3rd August 08, 03:35 PM
Glen and others, thanks.
Xmarks is unique, in my observation, in the civility and quality of communication among the members of the forum. I know there are always those who, for whatever reason, have to be negative and disagreeable, for them there are many other fora (can't get away from all the Latin I took) that they can use.
I never hesitate to recommend this forum to others. This is a quality product that is not for everyone, but for those of us who appreciate a community that is supportive and made up of some of the finest folks on Earth it is the place to be. I've yet to met a fellow Xmarkers that I didn't like at once.
I never tire of bragging about Xmarks
PS I did check this over before hitting the 'submit' button.
I'm Greg Roth (Kiltman) and I approve this message.
Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
Member, Royal Photographic Society
5th August 08, 12:03 PM
Well said. There have been times when I have just turned off the computer and walked away, and times when I SHOULD HAVE turned off the computer and walked away. It's not all that hard to do.
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