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  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th August 08
    Massachusetts, USA
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    It moves around for me when I don't put it through the belt loops, so I stick it through. Thankfully it's pretty easy to swing around while it's through the loops for using the bathroom. I tend to use the chains more than the belt because I haven't punched it yet, and because of the new-ness of the belt, the sporran top hangs forward a bit. I'm not sure what I'm worrying about, because I doubt I'm going to get stopped, "Oi, mate, your sporran top's a bit forward. Show some decency." or whatever.

    I'm curious as to how running quickly with it on works. I should go find out. Worst of all cases, I take it off when I have to run, but then I run into the problem of the kilt coming up a bit, meaning I have to use my hands to put it down, slowing me down overall. I suppose the sporran helps with that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd October 07
    Denver, Colorado- a mile high, baby!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shardz View Post
    It moves around for me when I don't put it through the belt loops, so I stick it through. Thankfully it's pretty easy to swing around while it's through the loops for using the bathroom. I tend to use the chains more than the belt because I haven't punched it yet, and because of the new-ness of the belt, the sporran top hangs forward a bit. I'm not sure what I'm worrying about, because I doubt I'm going to get stopped, "Oi, mate, your sporran top's a bit forward. Show some decency." or whatever.

    I'm curious as to how running quickly with it on works. I should go find out. Worst of all cases, I take it off when I have to run, but then I run into the problem of the kilt coming up a bit, meaning I have to use my hands to put it down, slowing me down overall. I suppose the sporran helps with that.
    I don't know about running. I'm the one with the sword usually, so people are running from me; not the other way around.

    Seriously- I do sword fight in my kilt. I don't know about running, but fighting isn't a problem.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    I don't know about running. I'm the one with the sword usually, so people are running from me; not the other way around.

    Seriously- I do sword fight in my kilt. I don't know about running, but fighting isn't a problem.
    That's pretty awesome. The only sword I have is a model of Sting, and if I tried to hit another bit of metal with it it'll probably break. (It'd be cool if I could get the plastic shell off and sharpen it...)

    Anyways, since it seems we've all had mixed results with it, I guess I'm just going to have to try it one day.

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