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  1. #1
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    Wedding a couple of weeks ago

    A couple of weeks ago, one of my brother's best friends was married in our hometown. To honor his Scottish heritage (Duncan), he and all of the groomsmen were kilted. The groom had his own kilt, as did the best man; the others tented theirs from a shop down in Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, my brother and the others didn't get their suits and kilts until the morning of the ceremony, so the fit wasn't quite right (I offered to him a kilt, but he turned it down).
    Anyway - the pictures:

    My brother, the usher:

    Can you see the family resemblance?
    And yes, I probably should have worn an argyle and waistcoat, but I didn't want to look better than the wedding party (yes, that sounds immodest, but these weren't the best rentals.)

    My brother, the usher, again:

    The bride and groom, with the minister:

    A beautiful couple, aren't they? I do wish the minister had worn a kilt, too (Clergy or Morrison).

  2. #2
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    One of the groom, after the ceremony:

    A bowler hat doesn't normally spring to mind as kiltwear, but Kirk wore his with panache.

    And one of the groom and his friends:

  3. #3
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    I actually found this site because of this wedding. After looking around here and asking a couple of questions, I purchased a semi-traditional from USA Kilts. I am glad I did. As Wompet said, the rentals were spotty. The Argyles and waistcoats were good quality, though mine was missing buttons, the kilts varied. At least one was a Gold Brothers, but the Isle of Skye appeared to be 16oz wool. The Groom's jacket and my own fit well, the others not so well. At the end of the reception, I tried on Groomsman 1's jacket from the pic below. It was at least one size larger than mine, and a long to boot. His kilt was a good 6" to large.

    Here are a few pics my father took:

    The Groom and Groomsman:

    Tartans: Groom--Duncan, Myself--USA Kilts Semi-Trad Hunting MacLeod, Groomsman 1--Scottish National Ancient, Groomsman 2--Isle of Skye, Wompet's brother the Usher (not in this picture)--Scottish National Modern

    Me Waltzing with the Maid of Honor (I did manage not to run into anyone or step on her feet)

    The Bride and Groom doing a much better job with the Waltzing.

    Wompet didn't mention, but the Bride was German, her mother Austrian. Here she is being escorted to her seat by her nephew, if I recall correctly, both in traditional Austrian attire.

    The Bride and Groom had been living in France until a couple weeks before the wedding. They have now moved to the US. There was a sizable contingent of the bride's friends and family that flew in from Europe to attend.
    Last edited by svc40bt; 7th October 08 at 06:29 AM.

  4. #4
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    Great shots all, it's nice to see the mix of cultures, the traditional Austrian outfit is quite interesting, thanks for including that shot.

  5. #5
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    Great pictures!!
    HERMAN, Adventurer, BBQ guru, student of history

  6. #6
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    Excellent shots! Best wishes to the new couple.

    The bride's mother's outfit does look vaguely like a dirndl, but I'm not sure that it's a traditional one. The ones I say were always all one color. Her nephew's suit, on the other hand, was as Austrian as the Governator!

    But what's up with the dogface?

  7. #7
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    guid oan ya

  8. #8
    Panache's Avatar
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    Very nice photos! It looked like a lovely Fall day for wedding and good on ya for showing restraint in your dress.

    We have discussed if a bowler hat could be worn with a kilt at length before here on XMTS, it is nice to finally see what it looks like it real life. Maybe not my cup of tea, but with the waistcoat, jacket, and tie it isn't bad at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet;607763A
    bowler hat doesn't normally spring to mind as kiltwear, but Kirk wore his with panache.
    I must protest here, Kirk needs a bigger feather in white for that!


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  9. #9
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Great photos and you all obviously had a wonderful day.

  10. #10
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    Cool! That same weekend, I was at a wedding in Germantown, NY, where the groom, his father, and the groomsmen all wore the Irish Nat'l tartan. (I went kilted as well, but no one has sent me a pic ):


    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

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