View Poll Results: Do you think that Postal workers should be able to wear a Kilt?
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14th December 08, 08:07 PM
 Originally Posted by Tattoo Bradley
I voted a resounding no. I just don't see a real reason for the USPS personnel to wear a kilt. I feel a uniform is a uniform; period. I have spent some years wearing military as well as civilian uniforms. So, I certainly have a different view than some. I don't feel the kilt should be added to the options just because one guy (or at best, a vast minority) thinks it looks cool or more comfortable or neat to be different. It would be a novelty. What then? Mail carriers in superman capes? (don't get too upset, it's an intentional exageration... a hyperbole of sorts) I also personally feel the prototypes proposed look a bit silly.
Brad, I'm afraid that I will have to disagree with you, respectfully, my friend. Not only am I in favor of mail-carriers wearing the kilt; I also think it should be mandatory.
Also, you shouldn't be disrespectful of cape-wearers. They have a right to be different like kilt-wearers (I just don't want to be seen with any of them). They even have a club, of sorts.;wap2
14th December 08, 08:19 PM
 Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende
Hm... I think that reasoning is just a little too circular, Bradley. Just because a uniform is a uniform does not mean that it cannot be subject to periodic updating. And the US government does so often enough. To wit:

US Navy 1899

US Army 1899
It's funny you should bring that up, Rex, but the US Army is returning to the "blues":
14th December 08, 09:29 PM
I had no doubt I'd be in the vast minority. I really do understand some of the lines of thought here, but disagree with most. None-the-less, the USPS also sees at least some of what I and three others here do.
14th December 08, 09:40 PM
 Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende
Hm... I think that reasoning is just a little too circular, Bradley. Just because a uniform is a uniform does not mean that it cannot be subject to periodic updating. And the US government does so often enough. To wit:

US Navy 1899

US Army 1899
Good points Rex. However, I think it's important to note that the dress uniforms, as Todd somewhat referred to, still hold some of the traditional aspects of those shown. As far as battle dress uniforms or utility uniforms etc, those updates are in the most part to adapt and evolve with changing needs and function as technology and warfare move on. So, I think comparing the updating of military uniforms to whether USPS uniforms should take on a new take of the kilt is a bit apples and oranges. I'm sure there are a few who think OD Green UKs should be instituted for the US Army. But, I somehow see that as even less likely than the USPS adapting these. Also, it should be noted that the USPS uniform has certainly been updated over the years.
Here is a good comparison to go with your 1899 Army and Navy uniform pictures: The USPS uniform as worn in 1894:

Several pictures of the evolving USPS uniforms can be seen on the USPS site, here.
Last edited by Tattoo Bradley; 14th December 08 at 09:58 PM.
14th December 08, 09:45 PM
This discussion is concerning the uniformed (mostly urban) letter carriers such as we have in the City of Boston. The Postal Service has a uniform standard that is somewhat adhered to be these people. In the suburb/rural environment, most of the carriers are not uniformed, and pretty much wear what they desire, including the kilt. I have lived in rural New Hampshire, and very rural Maine. The gent that had Rural Route 4 during the 1980's wore his kilt most of the year. He also used a Snow Kat to deliver the mail in the winter months.... Hardly the same environment as the urban carrier on foot. I have been in a uniformed environment that had no exceptions, and no variations in the daily dress. Long sleeved shirts and long trousers of the provided colors were required or you were fired environment, until I could find a more suitable place to my liking.
He/she who has the Gold makes the rules.....
14th December 08, 09:59 PM
Thank you Rex. In this case a picture(s) is worth more than a 1,000 words.
15th December 08, 04:51 AM
I also beleive that he who pays the piper calls the tune, and voted the same as Bradley. The US Army example pointed out is also a poor example, because other than the odd General who chose to wear a flamboyent uniform, it's not like the troops got to deside why and what changes were made as uniform changes were made.
15th December 08, 05:24 AM
I find it quite remarkable (almost astonishing) that people who are so unconventional (compared with the majority) in our appearance could be so conformist about this issue. Even if it is a small number of our lot.
Yes, it is a uniform. That alone means conformity, I realize. The post office employees where I live get to wear whatever they want, so far as I know. I will inquire when next I am there.
Y'all make me real glad I am self-employed. 
The only trouble with wearing a kilt today is the -18C temperature, and the 60 kph wind. 
And yes, I am american, living in Iowa all my life. I just think it is time we joined the rest of the world with metric measurements. Plus -18 sounds colder than -1.
15th December 08, 07:20 AM
The contemporary type kilts are fine in warm weather but in the winter your letter carrier would probably stay warmer and look sharper in a kilt of the U S Postal Service tartan.
Wonder how you'd want to pleat it.
G Koch
Bachelor Farmer
15th December 08, 08:14 AM
Although I disagree with your point of view, I appreciate that you took a stand and chimed in for the nay-sayers, kudos...It's always nice to have an opposition.
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