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  1. #1
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    Sorry I'm going to slightly hi-jack this. I have a 2 button braemar tweed jacket no weskit. So I wouldn't do any buttons up? this is what I'm getting from the replies.
    My appologies to dragon McMurdo. But why start a new thread.
    Slainte David

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Dubh View Post
    Sorry I'm going to slightly hi-jack this. I have a 2 button braemar tweed jacket no weskit. So I wouldn't do any buttons up? this is what I'm getting from the replies.
    My appologies to dragon McMurdo. But why start a new thread.
    Slainte David
    It is usual`to leave your jacket unbuttoned. However, if you are outdoors and its freezing, blowing a gale and pouring with rain, then, well, do the buttons up!

  3. #3
    puffer is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Dubh View Post
    Sorry I'm going to slightly hi-jack this. I have a 2 button braemar tweed jacket no weskit. So I wouldn't do any buttons up? this is what I'm getting from the replies.
    My appologies to dragon McMurdo. But why start a new thread.
    Slainte David
    I do button my jackets (esp. if not wearing a vest.) This is a "hold over" from YEARS of wearing suits almost "daily" IMHO, the jacket is buttoned, except when "relaxed" or sitting. (unbuttoned is casual among my peers) When wearing a vest then unbuttoned is usual.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by puffer View Post
    I do button my jackets (esp. if not wearing a vest.) This is a "hold over" from YEARS of wearing suits almost "daily" IMHO, the jacket is buttoned, except when "relaxed" or sitting. (unbuttoned is casual among my peers) When wearing a vest then unbuttoned is usual. Puffer
    How are you doing Puffer? Don't forget you are talking Scots Highland attire here, not "Saxon suits and jackets". With Highland attire, we generally leave the jacket unbuttoned with or without a waist coat. I hope you don't mind me gently pointing that out?
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 9th January 09 at 12:55 PM.

  5. #5
    An t-Ileach's Avatar
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    According to Thompson, the top of the sporran should be about one hand (4 inches) from the top edge of the kilt.

    This is about where I wear mine, as I find it the most comfortable position. However, as I've inherited my waistcoats and haven't had them converted to my size (I hardly ever wear a waistcoat, and am probably too mean to get ones made or these adjusted), when I wear one I let the sporran hang lower which I find annoying.

    Perhaps I should spend some money?

  6. #6
    puffer is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    How are you doing Puffer? Don't forget you are talking Scots Highland attire here, not "Saxon suits and jackets". With Highland attire, we generally leave the jacket unbuttoned with or without a waist coat. I hope you don't mind me gently pointing that out?
    Jock, my friend, I am doing fine, Thank you for asking.

    I CERTAINLY, DO NOT mind you pointing out the "Scot's Highland" way of wearing the attire.

    The way I mentioned, is the way I am comfortable & is accepted by those I interact with. An example is a meeting I had today for lunch.It was with a couple of county managers. I knew they wore,during the general work day, sports jackets,ties & nice slacks. My attire "matched" (except my jacket was cut for the kilt & I was wearing a good trad. kilt ) They wore their Jackets buttoned, so did I. IMHO, My acceptance of wearing a kilt etc, instead of "Saxon" attire, has a lot to do with the way I wear it.

    If I were in the UK, I most CERTAINLY, wear my "attire" according to the "Scot's" conventions.

    Respectively, Puffer


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