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  1. #11
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    It would be great if even the off-the-rack kilts would post the "average" they use on the packaging or tag. Post the waist and hips measurement so it's easy to tell. Additionally, a kilt maker (listen up sponsors) might want to start making some kilts - maybe one line - with real hip sizing. Let's call it athletic hip.

    I've always had this issue with suits as well. A suit coat that's 44 Reg usually comes with slacks that are 38 waist. So I have to have the waist,seat and crotch taken in to fit.
    Clans MacDonald & MacKay
    In the Highlands of Colorado.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by freddie View Post
    I don't have this problem as my waist is about the same as my hip. I remember when I bought my first kilt over the phone. The kiltmaker only wanted my waist measurement as he said the seat measurement will be four inches larger, so I've always used this as a golden rule. However, when I was measured for a kilt at Houston's of Paisley the lady measuring me said "We always like to give a bit extra on the hip as it's more comfortable for the customer when they sit down".
    Now that explains it! I was wondring if it was me, or my kilts! Have a touch of a problem sitting with the bottom of the kilt creeping! Wider hips would alLow for that! Ol, now my jones for two new customs has kicked into high gear!

  3. #13
    bricelythgoe is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC View Post
    This is the problem with off the rack Kilts.

    The waist has to be some measurement and the hip have to be some measurement larger so the maker must decide an "average" or "Standard" for their product.

    If you are lucky or "Average" the Kilt may fit fine. But it's a crap shoot because each manufacturer uses a different dimension.

    this is the reason custom made Kilt will always surprise the customer because it fits so well. And they have probably never had a properly fitting garment before in their lives.
    I must be the 'standard' or 'average'. I just ordered an off the rack kilt from Rocky. I was going to do the custom order for a casual. However, my measurements are 36 waist, 40 hips, and 24 drop. It really worked out perfect for me. So sometimes it does work.

    Honestly, if it wasn't for Rocky and the Casual kilts, I would never have ordered a custom made kilt. Every other place I have seen is very expensive. For me it was the casual, or nothing. Thanks Rocky!

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by pastorsteve View Post
    Rocky in the background told me that their stock kilts are built with hip dimensions 4 inches larger than the waist measurement.
    The standard progression is not 4" but 16 cm (~ 6 1/2"): 76/92, 80/96, 84/100, 88/104, 92/108, 96/112. A 34" kilt would be made for a 41" breech. As mentioned in other threads this is quite similar to women's skirts but offset by 4 cm: A 32" waist women's skit would be pair to the 41" breech (UK 14). The women's standard progression is: 64/88, 67/90, 70/93, 73/97, 77/101, 81/105. European sizing is waist/2 so a size EU 40 (the current European average) would be a UK 14 and offer a 41-42 breech.
    Given with kilts the adjustment of 2" these 16 cm works out quite well. Where it does not work out is when the waist/breech ratio goes out of the range 0.7-0.9 (which is considered the healthy range). Waist-Hip ratios of 1.0 and beyond for males and beyond 0.85 for females is considered unaesthetic by most in the West and unhealthy by current medical research. The above men's "standard" sizes are for a Waist-to-Hip ratios of 0.83-0.90.

  5. #15
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    Well, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, I ordered a kilt to be made by Rocky at USA Kilts. They told me due to their schedules they would require 2 weeks to make the kilt even when paying the rush charge. Ten weeks otherwise.

    Well I ordered the kilt last week and was notified by email yesterday that the kilt had been mailed. One week (possibly knowing I had a party I wanted to wear it to next weekend helped) for a kilt to be made and shipped - awsome.

    Thanks to Rocky and the folks at USA Kilts for their service to their customers and to those here at X Marks The Scot.
    Clans MacDonald & MacKay
    In the Highlands of Colorado.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nanook View Post
    The standard progression is not 4" but 16 cm (~ 6 1/2"): 76/92, 80/96, 84/100, 88/104, 92/108, 96/112. A 34" kilt would be made for a 41" breech. As mentioned in other threads this is quite similar to women's skirts but offset by 4 cm: A 32" waist women's skit would be pair to the 41" breech (UK 14). The women's standard progression is: 64/88, 67/90, 70/93, 73/97, 77/101, 81/105. European sizing is waist/2 so a size EU 40 (the current European average) would be a UK 14 and offer a 41-42 breech.
    Given with kilts the adjustment of 2" these 16 cm works out quite well. Where it does not work out is when the waist/breech ratio goes out of the range 0.7-0.9 (which is considered the healthy range). Waist-Hip ratios of 1.0 and beyond for males and beyond 0.85 for females is considered unaesthetic by most in the West and unhealthy by current medical research. The above men's "standard" sizes are for a Waist-to-Hip ratios of 0.83-0.90.
    Mine's 0.89 --- so the off the rack works!

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by pastorsteve View Post
    Well, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, I ordered a kilt to be made by Rocky at USA Kilts. They told me due to their schedules they would require 2 weeks to make the kilt even when paying the rush charge. Ten weeks otherwise.

    Well I ordered the kilt last week and was notified by email yesterday that the kilt had been mailed. One week (possibly knowing I had a party I wanted to wear it to next weekend helped) for a kilt to be made and shipped - awsome.

    Thanks to Rocky and the folks at USA Kilts for their service to their customers and to those here at X Marks The Scot.
    We, of course, want pictures when it arrives -- not just of the kilt!

  8. #18
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    Well it arrived on Saturday. I never would have thought it would be that fast. It is well made and fits great. It is lighter in weight than I thought it would be and has no lining. This is a description not an indictment as I really like it. I did take photos but my camera isn't synching with my computer right now. I'll have to try to post up from my office tomorrow.
    Clans MacDonald & MacKay
    In the Highlands of Colorado.

  9. #19
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    My problem is my waist and hip measurements are the same!!!!!

  10. #20
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    I've got some junk in the trunk, so that waist/seat differential is a concern to me; it's why I can wear Wrangler jeans but not Levis.

    My IndiDenim from UnionKilts is comfortable in the waist but the seat is so tight that I'm afraid the straps will break one day when I sit down. I think it's made for guys who have no rump at all [like those in the photos on the site, which should have been a warning ].

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