17th March 09, 08:23 PM
My first real Kilted outing... Not
I'd hoped to report on my first real kilted outing. I've only ventured out once so far since purchasing 2 SWK standards. I was all geared up to don the Irish Saffron and head out for some good music and a couple of pints on what was a beautiful day here in Cleveland.
Unfortunately, as I was preparing to shut down my machine (I work from home) and put on the kilt, we got a call that my fiances father was on his way to the hospital after his doctor discovered a 6.8 cm aortic aneurysm on a CT scan.
He's ok and they'll probably do surgery to correct it. Family has to come first in these things and we spent all evening at the hospital. I'm a bit disappointed. St. Patrick's day was my excuse to go out kilted and build my confidence a bit, but I'll make up for it at some point, I'm sure.
My new plan is to start frequenting the new brew pub up the road from me kilted at least once a week. Since I plan to be there the night they open and on a regular basis thereafter (unless, of course, their beer sucks rocks), I should be able to pull it off and become a regular part of the atmosphere there.
Such is life.
18th March 09, 08:18 AM
Yes, family ALWAYS comes first. Take care and my prayers are with you and yours.
18th March 09, 08:38 AM
Hope all continues to be will with your fiancée's father. The kilt will keep.
Animo non astutia
18th March 09, 02:04 PM
If you must have a coronary problem, Cleveland is one of the best cities to be in.
The next time I visit my family in CLE I would be honored to visit that brew pub with you. Let me know when you might enjoy some company.
Kilted Magyar (& ex-Clevelander)
18th March 09, 03:42 PM
18th March 09, 06:14 PM
Thanks for the well wishes. And Kilted Magyar, I'd be glad to have some company and tip back a few pints with ye. I'll let you know when it opens up. It's the first franchise of the Fatheads brewpub from Pittsburgh (I believe), though I don't believe the one in PA actually brews on site. I understand that Fatheads Cleveland will be doing so.
If you're familiar with the West side, it''s in the building that used to house a farmers market in North Olmsted at the corner of Lorain and Columbia Roads. Not much of a "traditional" pub, but they will brew their own poison and, in a pinch, I can stumble the 2 blocks home in the summer if need be rather than risk my life or someone else's.
As for the future Father in Law: He's doing reasonably well. He has an abdominal aortic aneurysm that extends from the diaphragm down into the femoral artery and is almost 8cm at its widest point. He is at the Cleveland Clinic which, thankfully, is probably the best place he could possibly be with something like this. The surgeon feels it is definitely repairable. They are doing more extensive tests to determine his fitness to undergo the surgery now. We should have a decision as to how they will proceed within the next few days.
He's quite nervous. More so because he himself is a Nurse (Masters degree no less) and understands in detail just what this is and what the risks are. Actually, I think he's more shook up that he's been walking around like this for a while and it could have turned deadly at any time.
Unfortunately, there will probably be a nasty legal battle when it's all over as it seems this was apparent on an ultrasound he had a year and a half ago, and was entered into his record, but no one ever notified him or his primary physician. Yikes!
Again, thanks for the well wishes. We're trying to stay positive about this. He's avoided the worst possible scenario by having them locate it now, before it could rupture. Now all we have to do is get it repaired.
18th March 09, 07:20 PM
Good to hear that your future FIL is hanging in there and should pull through relatively well.
28th April 09, 04:43 AM
Status update
Just thought I'd give a status update. The future father in law is home and recovering well. Surgery lasted nearly 13 hours back on 3/10. He came home on Tuesday last and is recovering nicely. Still weak, but doing very well. We were told this was one of the most complex grafts ever done at the Cleveland Clinic. Kudos to the wonderful surgeons and staff there.
On an unrelated note, I finally managed to get out kilted close to home. I got out a few times in New York while there on business. That seemed less intimidating since I knew no one there and wasn't overly concerned about standing out from the crowd.
Yesterday was yet another beautiful day in North-East Ohio and the fiance and I decided to head to the park for a little hike, followed by a stop at Fatheads brewery for a sandwich and a pint. We walked about 5 miles of trails and the only comment I heard was an elderly woman asking her husband (I presume) what in the world I was wearing... He responded "It's a kilt! What did you think it was?"
Aside from that comment, I got nothing but pleasant nods, smiles and hello's and one "I'll bet that's comfortable. I should have thought of that."
Nary a comment made to me at the pub, but one woman was failing miserably at trying to be inconspicuous while snapping a photo with her cell phone.
All in all a very pleasant experience.
It helped greatly that along the way, my better half was talking about acquiring a tent and doing some serious camping on the weekends this summer and suggested I may want to get another kilt or 2 for that. Nice to know she's definitely warmed up to me wearing it out and about!
28th April 09, 06:30 AM
Good to hear that your future FIL is recovering well.
Now, see, it isn't that bad getting out and about in your kilt. All sorts of nice things happen.
28th April 09, 07:16 AM
Glad to hear things are well with your father in law... It's good the area you are in, is known for it's specializing in that field.. Luckily I am in a similar situation with my mom, cancer and being right by Hot Springs, Arkansas. They are specialized in cancer treatment.
My prayers are with you and yours, and I hope you enjoy the summer playing in the woods.... Unlike we use too....LOL
Semper Fi Brother!
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
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