19th March 09, 06:38 PM
Welcome to the rabble from West Texas.
A kilted Celt on the border.
Kentoc'h mervel eget bezań saotret
Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ęgerrume desinere.
19th March 09, 06:38 PM
Welcome from Springfield, Ontario!
19th March 09, 06:43 PM
Hello and another warm Celtic from Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., with rellies in Nova Scotia.
Cheers and enjoy!
19th March 09, 07:44 PM
[I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a mans character,
Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]
19th March 09, 08:08 PM
A clan song eh?
Alack alas, I lack a lass, a lass I lack, alas alack. A lass is what I lack.
Nope, that was a song from the Princess & The Pea musical.
Welcome anyway, CM
19th March 09, 08:21 PM
from the Old Dominion State!
I'm a member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society by my maternal grandmother a Robertson. I did a bicycling tour a few years ago through your lovely island.
20th March 09, 09:26 AM
thank you again, for all the warm welcomes.
20th March 09, 02:38 PM
Greetings from another Robertson cousin a bit to your south and west.
20th March 09, 02:41 PM
Welcome to the Rabble from Puyallup,WA
Aye Yours.
21st March 09, 06:09 AM
I've survived DAMN near everything
Acta non Verba
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