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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiltedfirepiper View Post
    my mom used to make me sit like that when I was little till I learned "control"

    I aim to the bottom right or left corner and stand close to the urinal... I know it sounds wierd, but the closer you are the more " vertical" the shot which means you're less likely to get splashback.... think of it like pouring a guinness, the first part of the pour you dont want alot of aggitation right? so you tilt the glass and it "runs down the side"
    probably could have used a better analogy but there you have it

    Yeah, I think Budwiser would have the better analogy.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  2. #32
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    "Pee like a woman"?????

    So weird to hear such a stereotype on a kilt board....I prefer to think of it as peeing like a human being...using common sense to keep garments clean and not buying into a porcelin back splatter device just because someone hung it on the wall.

    If aging isn't your issue yet, it will be. Some of us olde guys NEED to sit while we wait for the process to proceed to completion...sometimes with nil force behind the stream near the end.

    Not sure who determined that ONLY women could pee sitting, or why or when. Know there are websites devoted to teaching women to pee standing up...fair is fair.

    If active duty military are wise enough to seat themselves to protect their uniform I'm not gonna feel one drop of testosterone less masculine if I choose to sit down to protect my kilt.

    Really do hate sexual stereotypes...a lot...

    Who does enjoy occasionally standing up to a urinal kilted just to give the other men in the room bar conversation for later...."I saw this guy in a kilt..."
    Last edited by Riverkilt; 22nd March 09 at 01:24 PM. Reason: Freedom of Choice
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  3. #33
    acstoon is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Well said, Ron...
    Do what you need to, for crying out loud.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt View Post
    "Pee like a woman"?????

    So weird to hear such a stereotype on a kilt board....I prefer to think of it as peeing like a human being...using common sense to keep garments clean and not buying into a porcelin back splatter device just because someone hung it on the wall.

    If aging isn't your issue yet, it will be. Some of us olde guys NEED to sit while we wait for the process to proceed to completion...sometimes with nil force behind the stream near the end.

    Not sure who determined that ONLY women could pee sitting, or why or when. Know there are websites devoted to teaching women to pee standing up...fair is fair.

    If active duty military are wise enough to seat themselves to protect their uniform I'm not gonna feel one drop of testosterone less masculine if I choose to sit down to protect my kilt.

    Really do hate sexual stereotypes...a lot...


  4. #34
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    Thank you, Ron.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  5. #35
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    I slide the sporran to the side, saddle up to the Urinal and go. Urine is Sterile, lernt that in chem class. Won't hurt you or your kilt like #2.

    Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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  6. #36
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    Well said Ron!

    Besides which sitting down in a cubicle helps to preserve the "secret"!
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

    Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
    (Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

  7. #37
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    Ron, I am with you. Kilted or no, most of the time, especially when I get up for that post midnight walk to the porcelain that so many of us "men of experience" unfortunately experience, I don't even turn on the light---just amble up to the throne pull em down and sit----may as well rest while I wait for the all too painstakingly slow process to end. Never have to worry about spashes or aiming, unless the little soldier is at attention (ala' 40 Year Old Virgin scene).

  8. #38
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    The worst are those Armitage Shanks models which abound in the UK - who designed those things? They seem to be shaped to atomize and redirect everything....
    - The Beertigger
    "The only one, since 1969."

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt View Post
    One can also go into a stall and sit normally. If men have the right to wear kilts then we also have the right to relieve ourselves sitting down if we chose. Even if its only #1. I've paid a lot of money for my kilts...like to protect them from splatter.

    Another vote

  10. #40
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    Of relevance to the discussion:


    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

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