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  1. #31
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    It is always nice to get a Kilt that finds you and you find it will fit you. So is it a Gordon Kilt or made by Gordon & Son?

    Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
    Listen to kpcw.org

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  2. #32
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    Hello and a warm Celtic from another proud wearer of a Gordon Highlander kilt, in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (no longer part of the United Kingdom by a few years...)

    When you get it fitted, please post pictures.. I am envious of people that have military dump shops that have kilts. Around here it is BDU city, with a few field belts and assorted shirts. Not much else.

    Congratulations on a very nice deal.

  3. #33
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    Hello MrBill.

    Its Gordon & sons with a NATO supply code. Never issued. Clearly new with pleat holding stiches. For 180 Euros, thats about 200 USD!
    Last edited by Saul; 7th June 09 at 02:58 PM. Reason: Got convertion of currency wrong

  4. #34
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    Hello Steve,

    Thanks for the welcome.

    King George has a lot to answer for!

    I'll happily post pictures, but I'll have to pay for it first, then open it up to make it fit.


    Quote Originally Posted by SteveB View Post
    Hello and a warm Celtic from another proud wearer of a Gordon Highlander kilt, in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (no longer part of the United Kingdom by a few years...)

    When you get it fitted, please post pictures.. I am envious of people that have military dump shops that have kilts. Around here it is BDU city, with a few field belts and assorted shirts. Not much else.

    Congratulations on a very nice deal.

  5. #35
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    I've got 5 different MOD kilts (from the 1940's to current issue) and they can be an incredible value for the money. They are also incredibly bombproof. Definitely, highly recommended! They can be a little hot in warm weather though.

  6. #36
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    Thanks for all the postings.

    I need to make my kilt a few inches larger. The kilt is made for a soldier with a tiny waist. That means opening the waistband to release two expantion pleats and probably moving the buckles. I wonder if its worth the bother to be honest. Maybe I should just get one that fits instead. Only the lenght fits.

    1.Does the tartan cloth inside the waistband run up to the top of the kilt? I hope so.
    2. Is it best to cut the waistband and add extra cloth to fill the gap? That would take a lot of sewing.
    3. I have the urge just to remove the waistband altogether and replace it with a belt. Is that wise?
    4. How much overlap do I need? I wont have much over.
    5. Is the value of the cloth alone more than about USD 200?

    Thanks, Saul

  7. #37
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    Unless you're a kilt maker, I don't think you should attempt the resizing you suggest. You might just want to find another kilt, and we can make some very good suggestions as to where.

    I don't know what shipping would cost, but you can get a very heavy Gordon like McMurdo's (and mine) at What Price Glory for a very good price. It's heavier than anything you're likely to find elsewhere.

    Check this out: http://onlinemilitaria.net/shopexd.asp?id=1702&bc=no

    $195 US is a very good price on a very useful kilt.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  8. #38
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    IŽll take your advice and not go for a kilt which would never fit properly.
    The site you recommended seems to be very good indeed. I may well end up ordering from there.

    I am going to get my first kilt in the future. However, I am going to take my time before I take the plunge. Do you have any other recomedations for the best value tartan kilt you can get? High and low waisted?


    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    Unless you're a kilt maker, I don't think you should attempt the resizing you suggest. You might just want to find another kilt, and we can make some very good suggestions as to where.

    I don't know what shipping would cost, but you can get a very heavy Gordon like McMurdo's (and mine) at What Price Glory for a very good price. It's heavier than anything you're likely to find elsewhere.

    Check this out: http://onlinemilitaria.net/shopexd.asp?id=1702&bc=no

    $195 US is a very good price on a very useful kilt.

  9. #39
    Colonel MacNeal is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    The MOD kilts have a very high waist. I prefer a standard drop of 24" because I'm 5'-11". You might want to visit a kilt shop and try on a few before you make a decision on buying a kilt.

  10. #40
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    Trying on a few kilts would mean a trip to Scotland. I could do that at the end of the summer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel MacNeal View Post
    The MOD kilts have a very high waist. I prefer a standard drop of 24" because I'm 5'-11". You might want to visit a kilt shop and try on a few before you make a decision on buying a kilt.
    Last edited by Saul; 12th June 09 at 10:26 AM. Reason: Spelling mistake

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