16th July 09, 08:53 AM
On their monthly girls night out, one woman complained so about her husbands constant kvetching about her cooking that her friend told her to just feed him Alpo, "That'll teach him to cmplain"
She smiled to herself, thinking that a fine idea! She bought a months supply and fed it to him most every night for dinner. He ate it eagerly.
The next month, she was asked how the gag went over, and she explained with a smug look, "oh he's dead! The friends were aghast,"from eating the dog food", they exclaimed.
"Oh no, not at all, he liked the dog food! He stopped in the middle of the street to lick himself and was hit by a car!"
16th July 09, 09:11 AM
...well... gasp... done... guffaw... sir
16th July 09, 10:50 AM
Well that had me laughing for a while! Going to tell my friend this, beacuse he would do something like that.
His Noble Excellency Ryan the Innocent of Waldenshire under Throcket
Free Your Legs!
16th July 09, 11:34 AM
......on my way to Costco
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
16th July 09, 12:20 PM
Ohhhh, man. You are seriously twisted.
I did a similar thing 20 years ago when I was a new father. Because I worked nights, I got to take my daughter shopping with me during the day -- when all the new mums are out with their little cherubs doing the same thing.
One day I was in a store and my daughter was snoozing away in the shopping buggy when I ran into a friend I hadn't seen for a while, standing in line. He asked me how life as a new dad was.
As I started to tell him about some of the experiences, I could see new mums in the nearest lines listening, meeting each other's eyes, nodding...clearly they approved of this man who was so good at taking care of his sweet little daughter.
"...And the neat thing about disposable diapers," I said, "is that I've discovered if I put it on inside out I don't have to change it all day until just before her mother gets home."
Ever hear 100 women gasp all at once?
Dr. Charles A. Hays
The Kilted Perfesser
Laird in Residence, Blathering-at-the-Lectern
16th July 09, 01:37 PM
16th July 09, 02:22 PM
that was good. had me rolling over with laughter
16th July 09, 03:02 PM
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
16th July 09, 03:10 PM
this is amazing, your sense of humor parallels mine Livingston and while you can't shop at Costco anymore at least you got a laugh and an amazing story to tell. And thats what life is all about right?
16th July 09, 03:18 PM
I would have told her "Yes' I do have a dog; a chihuahua" justbto see what her re-action would have been.
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