10th February 09, 08:42 PM
I want one, but I'm still a broke student.
Soon though, soon. Or maybe I'll just get some more kilt stuff.
The Barry
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis;
voca me cum benedictis." -"Dies Irae" (Day of Wrath)
16th July 09, 01:52 PM
Now that you have had your Kindle for a while what do you think of it? Cheers and jeers pros and cons.
Weasel :ootd:
16th July 09, 01:59 PM
I really love my Kindle.
As you can see by the initial date, I have the 1st generation Kindle. Since purchasing mine Amazon has released the Kindle 2 and the Kindle D|X.
I read everything I can on it, unless there's a title I can't find on the Kindle, which is very rare actually.
The Kindle 1 had some minor cosmetic issues. But, I really have no negatives on the device. The whisper-net functions great, and I usually buy my books through it. The e-ink screen is absolutely fantastic. Yep, love my Kindle. <3
16th July 09, 02:10 PM

I have the new analog iTouch--not much memory, but the price is right...
16th July 09, 08:17 PM
 Originally Posted by The Guy in the Kilt at UC
I have the new analog iTouch--not much memory, but the price is right...
The problem with mine is that the "software" needs constant replacement. (the ink cartridge runs out and needs to be replaced)
Santa Wally
Charter member of Clan Claus Society, Clan Wallace Society
C.W. Howard Santa School Alumni
International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas
16th July 09, 09:02 PM
I love gadgets, too. I take my iPhone everywhere.
But that is a recent infatuation compared to a lifelong love of books. Sure, that thing could give you the same words as a book, but it lacks soul.
I love the smell of books, the feel of the paper, the very act of turning a page mid-sentence ...
That's one gadget I can do without. It would sit unused whilst I scanned the bookcase to see which old friend was calling to me.
16th July 09, 09:24 PM
 Originally Posted by bear@bearkilts.com
I love gadgets, too. I take my iPhone everywhere.
But that is a recent infatuation compared to a lifelong love of books. Sure, that thing could give you the same words as a book, but it lacks soul.
I love the smell of books, the feel of the paper, the very act of turning a page mid-sentence ...
That's one gadget I can do without. It would sit unused whilst I scanned the bookcase to see which old friend was calling to me.
There are many people who have said the exact same things. While I enjoy all of the side effects of a paper-page book you've noted, the end point is the story and allowing the author to take you into their world. This device does that. I still have my shelf full of books, they were not thrown out when I bought my Kindle.
17th July 09, 06:18 AM
I am such a geek that I upgraded a few months ago to the Kindle2. It's thinner, has better resolution, faster page turn and better batter life. It also holds 1,500 books. I love it. As some of my favorite books are converted to Kindle, I'm replacing them.
As a long-time biblioholic, I was a bit skeptical at first. But after a couple of hours I hardly noticed the machine. I have close to 300 books on my Kindle which would otherwise be cluttering up my house (and the house is already intolerably cluttered).
I'm not ready to invest in the Kindle DX whose screen is double the size of the Kindle2. It holds 3,500 books, but is $489. The price of the Kindle2 was just lowered to $299.
Animo non astutia
17th July 09, 07:24 PM
 Originally Posted by Dirk Skene
Just buy it anyway. Show her who's boss.
Funeral arrangements for Bradley & Dirk are pending
Can I have your Kindle when you die???
By Choice, not by Birth
20th July 09, 04:46 PM
With all the bonehead moments by amazon with allowing publishers to pull access to titles this will be the ereader I get.
No need to get a more expensive model to handle pdf's and the looks of the device are better and it's cheaper!
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