20th July 09, 06:05 AM
Scene 16
Private Gaming Room, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo
The game had gone long into the evening and it was nearly midnight. As we played, I often felt Maggie’s leg rubbing against mine. I was finding it more than a little distracting.
I threw in my cards to fold. After the flop I hadn’t even managed to form a pair and I knew I wouldn’t win the hand. Showing on the flop were the four of hearts, the six of diamonds, and the seven of hearts.
Big John looked at his hole cards and thought for a while. He leaned back and puffed on his cigar. “All in!” he declared.
John had the smallest pile of chips on the table. If he lost, he would be out of the game.
The Countess pushed her cards in to fold. Dr. Newface had folded before the flop, so that left only Maggie.
She didn’t bother to look at her hole cards. “I’m in,” she said. She held more chips than John, so she would remain in the game if she lost the hand.
Since Big John had bet all of his chips, no more bets would be allowed and the two remaining players were committed to the cards they already held and whatever was turned over for the community cards.
Big John revealed his cards for the showdown. He held a pair of sevens, clubs and spades, so he currently had three sevens with the community cards.
Maggie flipped over her cards, a three and five of hearts. So she held a straight, currently holding the winning hand.
Big John watched intently as the turn was dealt. The seven of diamonds appeared.
John leaned back in his chair and puffed heartily on his cigar. He now had four of a kind, the winning hand. Only one card would let Maggie win the hand.
She and John both watched closely as the river was dealt. John’s cigar nearly fell from his mouth as he saw what the card was.
The dealer had dealt the six of hearts, the one card that would let Maggie hold the winning hand. With that card, Maggie now held a straight flush and beat John’s four of a kind.
“Mr. Houston holds four sevens,” Jacques announced. “Ms. Sweetface holds a straight flush. Ms. Sweetface wins the hand and Mr. Houston is out of the game. It is now late, so we shall call the game for the night, with play resuming tomorrow morning at ten o’clock. Mr. Houston, you are welcome to return tomorrow to watch the conclusion of the game.”
Maggie went around the table to John. She embraced him in a hug and kissed his cheek.
“Well now,” John said with a laugh, “If this is what I get when I lose, I reckon I ought to lose a little more.”
I said goodnight to all the players. “I’ll see you in a bit,” Maggie whispered to me just before she left the room.
I gathered up my things and handed them to Ms. Starling, telling her I would return to my room later.
I pulled the slip of paper from my pocket and looked at the room number written on it. I put it back in my pocket and left the room.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
21st July 09, 06:24 AM
Scene 17
Le Casino de Monte-Carlo
I stepped into the men’s room on my way to Maggie’s room. As I went about my business, I basically ignored the other men there. That proved to be a mistake.
I suddenly found myself pinned to the wall as two men threw themselves against me. A third man held a photo up next to my face.
“It’s him; Newface was right. Do it!” I heard one of the men say and I felt the prick of a needle in my neck as something was injected into me. Whatever they had used worked quickly and I felt the room begin to spin around me.
As my muscles refused to function properly, the men supported my body and carried me out of the men’s room. Apparently, they were asked about my condition, as I heard one of them say, “Our friend has had too much to drink. We are taking him home.”
I wanted to protest, but my words came out a jumbled slur, reinforcing their story.
The men carried me out of the building and helped me into a waiting car.
“Empty his pockets,” one of the men ordered as I felt the car begin to move.
The men went through all my pockets, removing whatever they found. “Get rid of it,” the man ordered, “We don’t want him carrying anything that will let them track him to Ivana.” The window was opened and they threw my belongings out of the window.
So, Dr. Newface had recognized me and blown my cover. Ivana knew who I was, and these men were taking me to her. This was not good. The men had even removed my belt, which did indeed hold a tracking signal transmitter. If they got me to Ivana, I would be on my own, with no way for my team to find me.
I had to escape, but I had been drugged and I was having a hard time even thinking straight.
I had to act and it had to be soon, before we left the city. I let my head flop back and forth, letting me see my surroundings. The two men in the back with me were ignoring me; apparently they were satisfied the drugs would keep me docile. There was no one blocking the door to my left.
As I sit and waited, I noticed my limbs were beginning to respond to my thoughts. Apparently, they had not considered my large size and the dose was not large enough. I was able to move on my own, even if I was still groggy.
I watched the men and waited for them to relax their vigil over me. The moment their attention was distracted, I dove for the door, opening it and throwing myself out of the vehicle.
Leaping from a moving vehicle is never a good idea, no matter what the movies may show. I hit the pavement hard and I felt the pavement tear at my clothes. The drugs probably saved me though, as my relaxed muscles let me roll unrestrained and the momentum carried me several feet.
I heard my abductors’ car stop and saw the brake lights. I couldn’t stay here, no matter how much I hurt.
I jerked myself to my feet and started to stumble away, almost running directly into a car that had slammed on its brakes to avoid hitting me.
“Idiot! Maniac!” I heard the driver yell in French.
I was still having a hard time thinking straight. “Kidnappers! Drugged me!” was all I managed to stammer out before collapsing in front of his car.
My abductors’ car was now backing towards us and I turned back to the driver. “Help me!” I stammered.
I heard a car door open and then felt hands helping me into the car.
“Do not worry, my friend,” I heard the driver say in a familiar voice. “I will get you to safety.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
21st July 09, 07:07 AM
This is getting good. : popcorn:
21st July 09, 08:31 PM
Ah, the game's afoot. ith:
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
22nd July 09, 02:17 AM
22nd July 09, 04:44 AM
Scene 18
Small Hotel in Monte Carlo
I jerked awake, unsure of my surroundings.
“Easy my friend, you are safe,” said the familiar voice.
“Robert?” I asked.
“Yes, my friend,” he said to me with a smile. “You are safe in my hotel room. It was most fortunate for you that I was on the road so late last night.”
I started to rise, but my head throbbed in pain.
“Easy, my friend,” Robert said, “Whatever they gave you is still in your system.”
I nodded and then immediately regretted the action. I glanced towards the window and noticed it was light outside.
“What time is it?” I asked in alarm.
“A little before eight, why?”
“I have to go, now!”
“But you are not yet well.”
“It can’t be helped; I’m in the middle of an assignment for the League.”
“The League! How may I help?”
“Do you have a phone?”
“But of course,” he said and crossed the room to pick up his cell phone from the table. “Here you are.”
I dialed in Ms. Starling’s number. The phone rang only twice before she answered it.
“Hello?” I heard her say.
“Starling, this is Dove.” I said to her.
“Where have you been?” she demanded.
“Kidnapped and drugged, apparently Newface recognized me and reported to Ivana.”
“Are you okay?” she asked. I could her the fear and worry in her voice.
“I’ll be fine. I was lucky enough to run into a friend. But I need to get back to the game. I would bet that Newface expects me to go missing and forfeit my place in the game. We’re just going to have to disappoint him. Can you get me to the game without being seen?”
“Just a moment,” she said. I heard her talking to others in the room with her.
After a few moments, a male voice came on the line. “Monsieur, this is Michel. If you come to the delivery entrance, I believe it will fit your needs. All will be ready for your arrival.”
“Thank you, Michel.” I hung up the phone and turned to Robert. “Robert, I need to get to the Hotel de Paris, the delivery entrance, within an hour. Can you do it?”
“Certainly, my friend,” he said, smiling.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
23rd July 09, 03:07 AM
For those who may be wondering, my Lady Chrystel is never worried when I'm on the road late at night.
I guess that's part of a musician/piper's life...
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
23rd July 09, 05:48 AM
Scene 19
Private Gaming Room, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo
Ms. Starling and I slipped through the hidden corridors of the Monte Carlo Casino. Michel had used his connections to allow us entrance through these passages, which were most often used by visiting celebrities.
It was nearly ten in the morning, time for the game to resume. We were waiting for the right moment and listened to what was being said within the private room.
“Okay, it’s ten o’clock,” I heard Dr. Newface say. “He forfeits the game.”
“I see no harm in waiting a few more moments,” I heard the Countess say.
“Yeah, let the man play!” I heard Big John say.
“No!” demanded Newface. “The time we agreed to was ten. He knew that as well as the rest of us who did show up. Rules are rules!”
“You are correct, Dr. Newface,” I heard Jacques say. “Very well, it is now past ten o’clock and Mr. Dove is not here. I rule that he …”
At that very moment I stepped through the door and entered the room, with Ms. Starling right behind me.
“I do apologize,” I said. “I hope I am not too late.”
I saw the shock in Newface’s expression, but he quickly recovered. “No!” he demanded. “He’s too late; he forfeits!”
Jacques stopped Newface with a gesture. “Dr. Newface,” he said, “I am running this game and I have not yet declared the forfeit. As such, Mr. Dove is still welcome to play.” He turned back to me. “Mr. Dove, welcome back to the game.”
“Thank you, Jacques,” I said. “Thank you all for your patience,” I said to the other players, “But I was unavoidably detained.”
Big John stepped up and grasped my hand, while patting my back with his other hand. “Glad you’re back, Alex. I would hate to see anyone knocked out of the game that way, even if I’m not still playing.”
“Yes, welcome back Mr. Dove,” the Countess said cordially.
Maggie stepped up to me and kissed me on the cheek. “What happened last night?” she asked.
“I am so sorry I couldn’t make it, but business tied me up,” I replied.
“That’s okay,” she said with a suggestive smile. “Maybe tonight.”
We all took our seats. I glanced across to Newface, who glared back at me.
“Doctor,” I said in greeting.
He simply nodded to return my greeting.
“Is everyone ready?” Jacques asked. When all the players nodded, he continued. “Very well, I believe the Countess has first deal.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
24th July 09, 11:30 AM
Ah good - I must follow this episode more closely - having enquired of the older directors of the MHICE and Mister Brown how the game is played, in order to follow the story, I now find I am in debt to the tune of 26.75 million pounds and we are due to play again after dinner tonight.
Madam Pleater
Director of Research and Resources MHICE
27th July 09, 06:18 AM
Scene 20
Private Gaming Room, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo
The game went on that morning with no one gaining a clear advantage. We were down to the last hand before lunch.
All through the morning, Maggie had continued flirting with me. She had even managed to release a button on her blouse, putting her more than ample assets on display. Her foot was often rubbing against my leg, causing me to be distracted.
It seemed she couldn’t keep her mind on the game. In fact, the worse her hand the more she flirted with me.
Wait! That was it! That was her “tell”. When she had a bad hand, she flirted. And she had turned it on full force for this hand.
We had all been dealt our initial cards. Both the Countess and Newface had already folded. The next bet was Maggie’s. She stared at me and licked her lips suggestively.
She pushed her chips forward. “All in,” she purred.
I almost jumped when I felt her bare foot on my leg. She had kicked off her shoe and run her foot up the inside of my pant leg.
I looked down at my cards. I held a pair of threes, spades and hearts. I guess it was time to test my theory of Maggie’s playing.
“I’m in,” I declared. I held a few more chips than she did.
Maggie’s eyes widened in surprise for just a moment before she recovered.
“Ms. Sweetface is all in,” Jacques declared, “And Mr. Dove has called. There will be no more bets. Players, please reveal your cards.”
Maggie flipped over her cards. She held the nine of hearts and the king of clubs. I turned my cards over as well.
“Ms. Sweetface is king high; Mr. Dove holds a pair. Mr. Dove currently holds the winning hand,” said Jacques.
The dealer dealt the three cards of the flop, the seven of diamonds, the nine of spades, and the ten of diamonds.
“Ms. Sweetface now holds the winning hand, a pair of nines,” said Jacques. Maggie sighed in relief.
The dealer dealt the turn, the queen of clubs.
“No help for either player,” said Jacques.
“It looks like I’m going to beat you after all,” Maggie said to me playfully.
The dealer flipped over the river card, the three of diamonds. I had won the hand.
“I lost,” Maggie said in disbelief.
“Mr. Dove holds three threes; Ms. Sweetface holds a pair of nines. Mr. Dove wins the hand and Ms. Sweetface is out of the game,” Jacques declared.
“You beat me,” Maggie said to me. “Why didn’t you just fold?”
“Because I knew you were bluffing,” I answered.
“What?” she demanded. “How could you know that?”
“Your tell,” I answered. “The worse your hole cards, the more you flirt.”
“I do not!” she demanded. She looked to the other players. “Do I?”
“Yes, you do,” said the Countess.
Dr. Newface only nodded when Maggie looked at him.
She looked over at the players who had left the game. Both Steven and John nodded.
“Really?” she asked again, looking at Jacques.
Jacques also reluctantly nodded. “I’m sorry, Ms. Sweetface, you are out of the game. Mr. Dove, you win the pot. Let’s now break for lunch.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
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