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  1. #1
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    Missions of the Retrieval Team - A Spin of the Kilt

    And now, the next installment of the adventures of the Retrieval Team:

    A Spin of the Kilt
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #2
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    Opening Scene

    Corporate Headquarters of Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe

    Ms. Starling and I were posing as real estate investors in order to gain access to a firm suspected of swindling its investors. The authorities had been unable to gain enough evidence to obtain a search warrant.

    We had been hired by some of the investors who had been cheated out of millions of dollars and wanted their money back. Unable to get relief through the legal system, they had turned to us.

    We had originally tried to hack into the firm’s systems, but the files we needed were apparently kept in an isolated system. With no outside access, Ms. Swan could not hack in.

    Ms. Starling and I were operating as a decoy. While we were keeping the staff occupied with our transactions, the rest of my team would access the system.

    As Ms. Starling was discussing the one hundred million dollar deal, I casually glanced down at my watch. A small indicator light now showed red. That meant that Ms. Raven had broken into the computer room and planted the transmitter plug. This was a small wireless device that allowed Ms. Swan to access the private system of the firm.

    Ms. Starling continued negotiating. The proposed deal would involve multiple transactions through Swiss and Cayman Island banks. The representative kept promising incredible returns, as much as three hundred percent in two weeks. Of course, they could promise anything, since they didn’t plan on paying anything.

    I glanced at my watch again. This time there were two lights showing on the watch, both of them green. The transfer was complete.

    I quickly interrupted the negotiation. “Thank you, Priscilla (Ms. Starling’s cover name), but I believe I am satisfied with the deal as it is.”

    I turned to the firm’s representative. “Mr. Howe, I believe we can do business. If you will draw up the agreement, we will return tomorrow to make the transfers and close the deal.”

    We all stood and Mr. Howe shook my hand. “Thank you, Mr. Dove. The papers will be ready first thing tomorrow.” I could see the greed in his eyes.

    Ms. Starling and I left the building and went to the limousine waiting for us. The woman chauffeur opened the door for us.

    “Raven is free,” she said quietly as I climbed inside.

    “Thank you, Ms. Falcon,” I answered as she closed the door behind us.

    Waiting in the limo was Ms. Swan, who was working on her laptop. “We got it all,” she said, “names, deals, bank accounts, the whole deal.”

    “Thank you, Ms. Swan,” I responded. “Ms. Falcon, proceed to the pick up location so Ms. Raven may join us and then take us to the FBI building.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  3. #3
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    Commercial Break

    Gymnasium, Great Hall of X Marks the Scot

    We see two men fencing. The larger man is pressing the smaller one and the smaller man calls for a rest.

    “Enough,” he says. “I just don’t have the stamina today.”

    “You just need a little pick-me-up,” says the larger man, who walks over to a cooler beside a bench at the side of the room. He reaches inside, pulls out a can, and tosses it to the other man.

    The smaller man catches the can and reads the label. “X Juice?” he asks.

    “Yeah, X Juice is the new energy drink from the good folks of X Marks the Scot. Its special formula combines a number of active ingredients to keep you going as long as you need.”

    The smaller man takes off his mask, opens the can, and takes a big drink.

    “Say, that’s good!” he says. “And, you know, I feel better already.”

    “That’s the X Juice; it energizes you for whatever you need to do.”

    “Amazing,” says the smaller man. He puts his mask back on and raises his foil. “En guarde!” he challenges.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #4
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    Looks like the summer writing season is upon us. This could be a good one.

  5. #5
    Dan R Porter is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Great so far...

    also if all commercials were like that one I would be more inclined to pay attention

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Wow I always look forward to the Summer Blockbuster.
    Are we aloud to stick in our own Commercial Breaks.

    Hello there, do you have a spare 1million Dollars.
    Then pop along to Dewey, Cheatum and Howe, where our
    investors come first.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tartan Shortbread Jock View Post
    Wow I always look forward to the Summer Blockbuster.
    Are we aloud to stick in our own Commercial Breaks.

    Hello there, do you have a spare 1million Dollars.
    Then pop along to Dewey, Cheatum and Howe, where our
    investors come first.
    Actually, if anyone wants to come up with a commercial, please PM me and I'll see about working it in.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  8. #8
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    Scene 1

    Gymnasium, Great Hall of X Marks the Scot

    “Touché, Mr. Dove!” Jamie announced as he thrust the tip of his fencing foil against my chest.

    We had been fencing for some time now and it was obvious his fencing skills were better than mine. We had gone through nine sets and he had won each time.

    Jamie took off his fencing mask. “Have you had enough yet, Mr. Dove?”

    “Not quite yet, Mr. Plume,” I answered, removing my own mask. The names we were using were names we had used in our first encounter; they made good sparring names. “Let’s make it an even ten.”

    He laughed at me. “I never knew you were such a glutton for punishment Dave.”

    “I consider it training Jamie. My fencing needs works and the only way a person can get better is by learning from someone with greater skills.”

    Jamie bowed in acknowledgement of my compliment.

    We stepped over to the bench for a drink of water and to wipe away the sweat. Donning our masks, we returned to our positions.

    Jamie raised his foil to the ready position. “En guarde, Mr. Dove.”

    I raised my foil as well. “En guarde, Mr. Plume.”

    Jamie started his attack and I parried. He kept pressing forward, keeping me on the defense.

    As the bout continued, I found I was again reacting a bit slower to each of his attacks. I knew it was only a matter of a few minutes before he defeated me again.

    Or, I could do something unorthodox. Maybe it was time for the student to give the teacher a lesson.

    I began to loosen my grip as the match continued. I could tell that Jamie realized this, as his attacks seemed to focus more. He was going for his favorite move and planning to disarm me before scoring the point. I would be ready.

    Jamie went for the disarming move and I let him succeed. This time, however, I made a move of my own. As I was disarmed, I twisted to the side and spun around behind him. As I turned, I pulled out what I had concealed at my back.

    I grabbed Jamie from behind and placed the point of the stiletto against his throat.

    “Touché, Mr. Plume.”

    “But you cheated!” he protested.

    I released my grip and took off my mask.

    “True,” I admitted. “If this was just a fencing match, I would have been disqualified. But, if this had been a real fight, you would be dead.”

    “You let me take away your main weapon.”

    “A good point, had this been a mass battle, it’s never a good idea to lose a weapon. Since it was a one on one though, it made a good distraction. Hopefully I taught you something too.”

    “Sure, interesting trick.”

    “Not just the trick, a couple of lessons as well. Never assume you know what your opponent will do and always assume a foe has greater capabilities than you can see.”

    He gave me a slight bow. “Well played, Mr. Dove.”

    I returned his bow. “High praise from a superior opponent, Mr. Plume.”

    Just then Dee came into the gymnasium.

    “Jamie, Dave,” he said, “You both need to come see something. Ms. Swan has found something very disturbing.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  9. #9
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    Scene 2

    Security Suite, Great Hall of X Marks the Scot

    Jamie and I quickly put away our fencing gear and followed Dee through the halls to the Security Section of the Great Hall where my team had its offices.

    We entered Ms. Swan’s office. In the time she had occupied the space, she had filled the room with computer servers and monitors, from which she kept an eye on all the media traffic in search of any nefarious actions by Globo-Fashion.

    Ms. Swan was watching several monitors at once while sipping on her new favorite drink, a double chocolate mocha latte with extra whipped cream from the rapidly expanding Ritchbrew shops.

    “Dee says you have something we should see,” I said as we entered.

    “Yes, I do,” she answered. “Have a seat while I pull up the video clip.”

    The three of us sat down as she worked to retrieve the video.

    “Here it is,” she said. “I noticed this earlier this morning. At first I thought is was a normal announcement from a company about a normal business partnership. Well, let me just run the clip and you’ll see what I found.”

    She pressed a key on her keyboard and the monitor directly in front of us began playing the clip. The clip was a news clip from the business segment of a national news network. The newscaster was speaking of a new offering from a national chain.

    “The Ritchbrew chain announced today that it is introducing a new line of logo products that will be sold in all its stores. This new line of clothing will be produced through the company’s recent partnership with the Textile Rico firm in Mexico. The clothing firm is a new company that has been established to assist poor families in the Yucatan region of Mexico.”

    A small inset screen appeared beside the newscaster showing a man making an announcement to a gathered crowd.

    “O. Seau Ritchgarl, the President of Ritchbrew Incorporated, says that the partnership is his firm’s way of bringing industry and jobs to those who need them in less fortunate parts of the world.”

    Ms. Swan paused the clip. “As you know, we have been watching Textile Rico for some time now. It is a small corporation which originally was owned by a few wealthy members of Mexican society, including someone with which we are all familiar, General I. Juan B. Ricos.”

    “The one who kidnapped us from the cruise,” said Jamie. “He is involved with Globo-Fashion.”

    “Exactly,” said Ms. Swan. “Which is why we have been watching him and the company. The General, who was the majority shareholder in Textile Rico, traded all of his shares to Globo-Fashion in exchange for a significant amount of their shares. Globo-Fashion is currently the majority shareholder of Textile Rico.”

    “But that’s not the important issue,” she continued. “We were well aware of that connection. Pay attention to the inset screen. You’re about to see what I wanted you to see.”

    She resumed playing the clip.

    “The partnership was formed yesterday between the two firms, with representatives of both firms, along with the President of Textile Rico’s parent firm, Globo-Fashion, Incorporated.”

    Ms. Swan again paused the clip. “There,” she said.

    There on the clip, acting in her role as President of Globo-Fashion, was Ivana Rulital.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  10. #10
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    Love the names!

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