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  1. #51
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    Commercial Break

    The Heralds’ Wing of the Great Hall of X Marks the Scot

    We see Arlen come walking into the room; he is covered with bloody scratches.

    “Arlen, what happened!” asks Dee with alarm.

    “It was my turn to give Mr. Tibbles his bath and manicure; you know how he hates that. Let’s just say he wasn’t very cooperative.”

    Dee nods with understanding. “I know, the same thing happened to me with his last bath.”

    The narrator’s voice breaks in. “Are you tired of fighting your pet just to give him a bath?”

    Both Dee and Arlen turn towards the camera and nod.

    “Then it’s time you tried the new Easy Groom combination bath brush and nail trimmer from Freelander Enterprises.”

    The scene changes and we see a very unhappy badger held within a mechanical device. The device proceeds to scrub the animal clean and trim his nails. Dee and Arlen stand back and watch the device work.

    The narrator continues to speak. “The Easy Groom is completely hands-free once you place your pet inside. Once he’s inside, all you have to do it turn it on and wait for your pet to come out clean and trimmed.”

    Once the machine is finished, it releases the badger, who bolts down the hall to escape.

    Arlen and Dee turn towards the camera again. “Thanks, Easy Groom,” they say in unison.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post
    “The Easy Groom is completely hands-free once you place your pet inside. Once he’s inside, all you have to do it turn it on and wait for your pet to come out clean and trimmed.”

    Once the machine is finished, it releases the badger, who bolts down the hall to escape.
    Yep, hands-free once you place your pet inside. You think Mr. Tibbles is going to let them put him in the same room as that thing, much less in it?
    Better stock up on the bandages and ointment, guys.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet View Post
    Yep, hands-free once you place your pet inside. You think Mr. Tibbles is going to let them put him in the same room as that thing, much less in it?
    Better stock up on the bandages and ointment, guys.
    I see you read the fine print.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #54
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    Scene 21

    Private Gaming Room, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo

    After lunch, the remaining three players had returned to finish the game. The luck of the participants had shifted back and forth with no one having a clear advantage.

    As we started our latest hand, I had the fewest chips and the Countess had the most.

    I picked up the cards I had been dealt. I had a great start, a pair of jacks, hearts and spades.

    Each of the players increased the bet as their turn came. Apparently each felt they had a playable hand.

    The dealer dealt out the three cards of the flop. Three queens came into view, diamonds, spades, and hearts. I had pulled a full house from the flop, queens over jacks.

    But it also meant that the other players also held at least three queens. If either of them held a pair in their hold cards like me, then he or she would also have a full house, although the odds of them holding better than a pair of jacks was slim.

    There was also the possibility one of them held the other queen, meaning he or she would have four of a kind and beat my hand. This was unlikely though.

    Each player again bet heavily. I could only hope that each of them was relying on a high pocket card to carry the three queens to victory.

    The dealer flipped over the turn card, the ten of diamonds. No help for me, but even if one of them held another ten, it wouldn’t beat my jacks.

    Still, each player bet heavily. The pot was nearing a million euros.

    Finally, we watched as the dealer placed the river card on the table, the eight of diamonds. Unless one of the other players held the queen of clubs, I should win the game.

    “All in,” Dr. Newface said when it was his turn to bet. The Doctor had committed all his chips. He had more chips than me, so if I stayed in and he won, I would be out of the game; otherwise he would continue with only a few chips.

    I thought for a moment about the odds. It was highly unlikely that he had better cards than me, but it was possible.

    I pushed my chips forwards. “I’m all in as well,” I said with a smile.

    “You gentlemen are making this interesting,” said the Countess. “I’m up for a bit of excitement. I’m in as well.”

    That meant there was nearly one point two million euros in the pot. With the least number of chips, I had to win or I would be out of the game.

    Since the Countess had more chips than either Newface or me, she would remain in the game no matter what.

    If I won, the Doctor would still be in the game, but with only a few chips. If the Countess won, Newface would also be out.

    “All the bets have been made,” said Jacques. “Players, please reveal your cards.”

    Newface went first and turned over his cards one by one. His first card was the jack of clubs. It was possible that was his best card and he only held three queens. He could also have a nine and have a straight, still not enough to beat me.

    He turned over the second card, revealing the queen of clubs. I had lost! Newface had four of a kind.

    “Doctor Newface has four queens,” said Jacques, “Mr. Dove?”

    I turned over both of my cards at once. I already knew I had lost. “A pair of jacks,” I said.

    “Mr. Dove has a full house,” said Jacques, “Queens over jacks. Doctor Newface currently has the winning hand.”

    “Yes!” yelled Newface, jumping up from his seat.

    “Patience,” said the Countess, turning over her first card, the nine of diamonds.

    Newface looked at the card in horror. If the Countess had either a seven or a jack of diamonds, she held a straight flush, enough to win the hand.

    “You don’t,” he said, dreading the answer.

    “Yes, I do, Doctor,” the Countess said, flipping over her second card. The jack of diamonds fell to the table. The Countess held a jack high straight flush.

    She had won the game.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet View Post
    Yep, hands-free once you place your pet inside. You think Mr. Tibbles is going to let them put him in the same room as that thing, much less in it?
    Better stock up on the bandages and ointment, guys.

    Fear not, Wompet, there is a slight error in the instructions - it should read 'place your lightly stunned pet' for it to function at greatest efficiency.

    I might order one of these, as I have now accumulated winnings of some 10 million at the card table, having learned to bluff.

    Madam Pleater

    Director of Research and Resources MHICE

  6. #56
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    Scene 22

    The Streets of Monte Carlo

    Ms. Starling and I wandered through the casino as though we were looking for a game to play. I suspected Dr. Newface would contact Ivana and another play would be made to capture me.

    We finally left the casino, as if no game had drawn our attention, and began to wander about the area.

    After a bit, we turned to walk down a less-traveled street. The two men we had noticed following us came down the street after us.

    As we walked down the street, we noticed another two men step around the corner in front of us to block our path. These men carried handguns.

    We glanced back and noticed the men behind us also held guns.

    We continued to walk forward until we met the men before us.

    “You will come with us, Mr. Dove,” ordered one of the men.

    We went with the men a short distance and Dr. Newface stepped out to meet us.

    “Well, Mr. Dove, I don’t know how you managed to escape last night, but you will not be so lucky this time,” he said to me.

    “I suppose you’re going to take us to Ivana,” I said.

    “You will be going to see Ivana, but I will not be going with you,” he answered. “I plan to wait here in Monaco for a while. Ivana will give me a nice bonus for your capture. There are more games to be played.”

    “Come, my dear,” he said and I saw a woman step out of the shadows to take his arm. The two of them stepped up to the taxi waiting for them.

    “Good day, Mr. Dove,” he said. “I hope to never see you again.” Then he turned to climb into the cab with his companion.

    After the taxi drove away, one of the men ordered, “Move!”

    “I don’t believe we will,” I told him.

    Obviously he wasn’t expecting this, as he stood speechless, unsure of what to do. He waved his weapon at me. “If you do not move, we will shoot you,” he said.

    “I don’t think you want to do that,” I replied. “First of all, you are in the middle of a city full of tourists. The police will be here before you can get off the street.”

    “And second,” I continued, “My friends wouldn’t like that.” I nodded my head towards the nearby café.

    He glanced over to the red-haired woman sitting at the table. As he watched she raised the magazine she was reading slightly, revealing the pistol she was holding.

    “And there,” I said, nodding in the other direction.

    He looked the other direction. The African-American woman seated on the bench there reached into her purse and pulled up her own pistol.

    “Or behind us,” I said, indicating the van that was parked there.

    As he looked, the Hispanic woman in the passenger seat waved to us. The side panel slid back slightly, revealing the oriental woman within, holding her own weapon.

    The men all looked around with alarm.

    “I won’t show you the others,” I told them. “I will give you one opportunity to leave now. If you do not leave immediately, I can’t guarantee your safety.”

    The men all started to back away, looking around for an escape route.

    “Wise choice,” I said, “And be sure to send Ivana my regrets. I am not ready to sample her hospitality today.”

    The men picked a direction and fled.

    “Did you plant it?” I asked Ms. Starling.

    “On two of them,” she replied. “The others didn’t get close enough.”

    We walked back to the van where my associates were waiting.

    “Ms. Swan, do we have signals?” I asked.

    “Loud and clear,” she said after checking her equipment. “They will lead us right to Ivana, or at least the next rank up in their organization.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  7. #57
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    Ms. Starling, a woman of many talents. Job well done lass.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
    Member Order of the Dandelion
    Per Electum - Non consanguinitam

  8. #58
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    Scene 23

    Inside a Taxi in Monte Carlo

    Dr. Newface leaned back in his seat. Ivana would reward him handsomely for the capture of Mr. Dove.

    He looked out the window and noticed the taxi was heading the wrong direction.

    “Driver,” he said, “This isn’t where I told you to go.”

    “Do not worry,” answered the driver. “You will arrive safely where you need to go.”

    “What do you mean?” asked the Doctor.

    “He’s going where I told him to go,” said the Doctor’s blonde companion.

    The Doctor turned to look at his companion and noticed she had pulled a small handgun from her purse. It wasn’t a large weapon, but it would certainly cause some damage at this close range.

    “Veronica?” he asked.

    “Don’t worry, Jaime,” she said. “Everything will be fine. You’re just going to meet some of my friends.” She then spoke to the driver. “Do you see them yet, Robert?”

    “Yes, my friend,” he answered. “They are waiting just ahead.”

    The taxi pulled over and a young man opened the door. He let his female companion climb in first and then followed her into the seat across from the Doctor.

    “Welcome aboard, Arlen, Diane,” said the blonde woman.

    “Hello, Ms. Thrush, glad we could help,” said Diane.

    “Veronica, what is this? What’s going on?” the Doctor demanded.

    “Don’t worry, Jaime?” the woman answered. “My friends are here to help me escort you to the airport. You’re taking a trip to England.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  9. #59
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    Hummm, looks like a spot of action coming my way.

  10. #60
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    Scene 24

    Cote d'Azur Airport, Nice, France

    Our van pulled into the parking lot of the small craft landing area. Our jet was already sitting ready for departure. I exited the van and went to the door of the craft.

    Ms. Falcon met me at the hatch. “Everything’s ready,” she said.

    Just then, a taxi pulled into the parking lot. I walked over to meet the occupants.

    “Robert,” I said to the driver as he got out of the car, “Did everything work out okay?”

    “Yes, my friend,” he answered. “We have your guest inside.”

    We walked around to the side and opened the door.

    “You!” said Dr. Newface when he saw me, “How did you?”

    “Let’s just say your cronies didn’t like the odds,” I responded.

    “Where are you taking me?” he demanded.

    “We have some friends in England,” I told him. “They’re going to ask you a few questions.”

    “What kind of questions?”

    “Nothing much, just everything you know about Ivana Rulital and her organization.”

    “What makes you think I’m going to say anything?” he asked defiantly.

    “You'll find out soon enough.” I turned to my associate behind me. “Ms. Hawk, please assist Ms. Thrush in getting the Doctor secure in the jet. He has an appointment with our friend, Ms. Pleater.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

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