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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macman View Post
    Alan, I'd like to thank you for tossing the hand grenade . . ., oops , I mean, for starting this thread. It contains many of the best posts I've read in a while. There is room for all of us in this forum, even if some of us (from all points of the kilt-wearing compass) feel like tearing our hair out every once every now and then.
    Thanks. It's a good thing I'm bald, already.

    For the record, I am positively allergic to the word "Fashion" when applied to Men. "Fashion" is for wealthy women who don't have anything else to do with their time. Wealthy, useless women follow "fashion". Men put on clothes and get something DONE, and worrying about the color of your pocket handkerchief or your garter ties is NOT "getting something DONE".

    The above is just my humble opinion, of course...IMHO, IMHO.

    I am also violently allergic to the words "rule".."correct"...and "proper" when it comes to clothes. to me, they smack of worrying WAY too much about things, and getting clothes WAY out of proportion in terms of their importance. IMHO..IMHO..

    There's a difference between "rule"..."correct"..."proper"... and the basic concept of treating people with respect and using common sense when you put on clothes for the day, or evening, or whatever.

    'nuff of this. it's just pissing me off, and "kilts" and an "online kilt forum" are in NO way, whatsoever, worth getting seriously pissed off about.
    Last edited by Alan H; 20th November 09 at 01:14 PM.

  2. #82
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    I don't think Alan understands that when the experts here weigh in, that they are going to state the exact "letter of the law"

    For me, much of what this thread is about is the so called citing of the "letter of the law," I think I know what you mean when you say that, but unfortunately, many of the "experts" quote nonsense (much of it created by Englishman during the Victorian era) as their authority. At best, you can cite past custom, but you exceed yourself when you start talking about "the law," and you do not do any favor to the new kilt wearer who comes to this site for advice. Don't even use the words, "rule" or "law," and and the use of the word "exact" in this context is grossly inappropriate.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    For the record, I am positively allergic to the word "Fashion" when applied to Men. "Fashion" is for wealthy women who don't have anything else to do with their time. Wealthy, useless women follow "fashion". Men put on clothes and get something DONE, and worrying about the color of your pocket handkerchief or your garter ties is NOT "getting something DONE".(SNIP)
    don't publish that opinion to widely Alan, I'll be out of a job, or at least less employed than I am currently.

    I really don't think anyone who wears this:

    can be accused of taking "fashion" very seriously.

    If you can't be good, be entertaining!!!

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    ...about being "proper"..."correct"...and so on.

    Just wear the bloody thing with the pleats in the back, be reasonably civil and polite to folks, ignore the guff from the jerks, and get on with it.
    Aw, horsemanure. Suck it up and dress like a grown man.

    Hahahaha. I really don't think anyone here takes any of this too seriously. You can't even take Life too seriously because it is too important.

    And God help us if we start taking ourselves too seriously.
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  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
    I appreciate that but I'll suggest that it sometimes gets to be almost obsessive behaviour for some people. There's a certain point after which dressing well or neatly becomes too time and money intensive and becomes more of an affectation than a characteristic. I've met more than one person who refers to their articles of clothing by the designer's name...my Armani, my Hugo Boss. This has become a cultural thing and I think that part of what Alan is trying to get across is that you shouldn't feel such pressure to meet some abstract standard that it makes you feel inadequate.


    Very well said, an abstract standard is well, abstract. I dress to feel comfortable.
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  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post

    Strap the thing on. The pleats go in back. Put on a shirt, some socks and shoes and go be a man and live your life.
    What?!? Now I got to wear socks? You do not wear socks with sandles, it's a law, California State Code 216.14.7

    Okay, I may have made up the numbers, but I am sure it's in there somewhere.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChubRock View Post
    Nicely done Matt! Now does anyone know where I can get a pair of tye-dye hose to go with my hippie sandals, workman UK and plain white tank top? No rules right?
    I often wear a tie-dye T-shirt with a traditional kilt, but NOT with a tartan kilt (well, not in public, anyway), only with a solid colour kilt. Wearing two different types of pattern together (whether it's tartan with tie-dye or paisley with stripes, or WHY) is usually well worth avoiding, whatever you think of the fashion police. Even that has exceptions (Jock will tell you that you can wear a striped tie with almost anything).

  8. #88
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    Jamie, I think the dichotomy comes more from how women are pushed by society to "look good", whereas men are just kinda expected to be. Add in that much of popular culture (when showing heterosexual males) portrays us as boorish oafs with no sense (of style or otherwise)...

    It's funny, in a way: wasn't THAT long ago where "fashion" was a manly thing, and women wore (basically) sacks (thinking of the Empire Era)...

  9. #89
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    My fashion statement for today:

    --Green camo UK
    --T-shirt and old black fleece pullover
    --WPG khaki wool kilt hose
    --Birkenstocks (Nu-buck)
    --Green beenie (with "The Celtic Football Club" emblem)


    Last edited by GDub; 20th November 09 at 05:16 PM. Reason: grammar 'r us

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strings View Post
    It's funny, in a way: wasn't THAT long ago where "fashion" was a manly thing...
    There was a time when all gentlemen knew how to to dress,

    and dance, sing, and compose and recite poetry

    These were all just as manly as swordsmanship, shooting, and riding.

    How many men do you know who dance?

    How many sing?

    How many will even read poetry let alone compose or recite it?

    For that matter how many men do you know that think of themselves as gentlemen?

    To me personally this skill of dressing well and appropriately is just one aspect of what a gentleman is


    Jamie :ootd:
    Last edited by Panache; 20th November 09 at 05:25 PM.
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