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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewGuise View Post
    I likely just missed the relevant post (those XMarks access problems continue to plague me!), but ... was there a particular reason that we could not go for the XMarks tartan? I like the Holyrood a great deal, but the XMarks tartan is already a signifier for all of us here, and would look terrific on a jersey (which could mostly be just that bright blue)...
    This was just not a project the tartan owner was prepared to get involved in at this time. I completely understand that the plate is pretty full with other tasks right now. In the long run I think this works out a lot better for the group buy concept though, as the people who are purchasing the items will have total say in how it turns out.

    Great discussion and ideas folks! Keep it up! I think this is moving along really well.

    Absolutely the club cut is where I "fit in" as well

    I'm liking the wrap or full-wrap panel short. I like the visual of the tartan going all the way up the back of the short as a kilt would. Whichever way, I don't see the need to fade the tartan on the shorts. Jsut a straight forward tartan print would be best there.

    With the cross pattern, I had intended that to be around the collar and the sleeve cuff but it was just an idea to kick around.

    The splash effect is similar to the fade /dissolve but I think I prefer the more graduated transition of the fade. It's my anal complusive side I think that wants either a clean, crisp edge or a smooth, gradual transition.

    I'd like to have a lot of discussion on logos and lettering as I typically don't like to wear any thing with large advertisements on them. A small logo is not too bad, besides I think the tartan will do most of the talking when folks see it. A logo is a whole other design thread Anyone want to head that one up? I'm thinking ideal placement would be arm or left or right breast or collar. We will have to factor in that the vendor will have their logo on the garment as well so how we work with that to prevent it from becoming too "busy" needs to be considered.

    Zipper is no issue for me. Most of my Jerseys are half zippers but I often wish I had a full zipper. And since they are the same price....

  2. #12
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    I'd prefer full zip as well. I like the general idea of the jersey shown, but would prefer the slow fade as well.

    I like the bibs suggestion, panels on the side.

    Would probably prefer saltire banded on the arms (or on one arm only?). But no huge preference there.

  3. #13
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    Don't worry about where the company will stick their logo---they will make sure that gets in where THEY want it to be but it will not significantly intrude on our design.

    I like the fade too, as much as I like the splash, so either is good by me.

    If we can somehow color match a blue in the tartan for the saltire I have no problems with it on the color and sleeve edges----jsut having it in only one place is what looks funny sometimes.

    I like the large central logo---let 'em know who is coming or who just blew their doors off. Tartan letters edged in the same saltire blue might work but I think we would have to see that one before latching onto it.

    If you want to logo the shorts we could always put White letters on the tartan background panels, but I think just the tartan panels alone would look best.


  4. #14
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    Looking good! I like where it's going. It'd be great to have tartan on the pockets in back as well as the sleeves. I'd be fine with some tartan on the bottom of the front panel as well, or could live without it. I don't have a strong opinion on the saltire element, but I think fewer design elements may be better, so I guess I'd prefer to see it as a flag at "logo size" in the white area on front (left breast?) rather than as a border on the sleeves or collar.

    As someone who has bored quite a few people talking about fonts, letterforms, and even type designers, I'd like to see a few options for the font the "tartan riders" is set in, and I would also support a jersey without any text. I'll experiment a bit and post some other options.

    Thanks, all!

    Quote Originally Posted by Squeaky McMurdo View Post
    I don't have the patience to sit and fade the tartan in increments, but the splash effect is kind of cool don't you think?

    With or without the "Tartan Riders" and maybe less tartan on the bottom

    --Chelsea McMurdo--
    Here's a bottle and an honest friend!
    What wad ye wish for mair, man?
    —Robert Burns

  5. #15
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    Finally got a bit of time to play with this some more. I've still not figured out how to represent the fade but work with me on imagining it here

    You can see I tried to scratch in the X-collar with poor results. I also did the sleeve cuffs but wasn't real pleased with the effect here so I removed them.

    The shorts would look better completely tartan but here are a couple of versions.

  6. #16
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    for the shorts, I was thinking maybe like the first pair, but instead of having the tartan wrap around the leg, just a straight line down the leg.

  7. #17
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    I think I agree. I would prefer the short to be solid tartan (no black anywhere) but if that isn't possible, of the templates offered I like the T-Panel over the U-Panel as I don't like the tartan arch over my butt

  8. #18
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    I agree with Chasem on the shorts, straight tartan side panels with the rest black.

    With the jerseys, I am not sure where the grey body came from---I think the white looked more stunning, and would definitely be more visible while riding (safety is a concern with a darker tartan for the rest of the jersey). I agree that the jersey without the saltire collar looks better to me. Lastly, how about the tartan fades into a solid color body in the gold color pulled out of the tartan? Then the letters can again be tartan in the logo?

    I will try to play with it a bit myself if I can get a few minutes.


  9. #19
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    The grey is actually the light blue in the tartan. The the lighting being poor as well as a sorry photographer accounts for the appearance

    I'm real hesitant to go with "tartan Riders" written across the jersey. I could go with a small 'TR' logo somewhere but I'm more into letting the tartan do the talking Maybe something like this?

  10. #20
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    On a side note, I just found this glow in the dark tartan Hmmmmmmmm


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