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Thread: Kilt length

  1. #31
    My kilts have a two-inch rise, which means the top edge of the kilt is two inches above my navel.

  2. #32
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    There is another point about kilt length that has not yet been mentioned and that is modesty. Truly a case of 'less is more'.

    If a man wears his kilt so that the hem is between mid-knee and top of knee, when he sits, the aprons fall naturally between his knees through the action of gravity.

    If he were to wear his kilt lower so that when seated the aprons cover his knees, they will not fall because they are held in place by the knees.

    Although men may try to 'sit like a lady', we are really not built for sitting for any length of time with our knees together. If we move our knees apart for comfort, with a shorter kilt our modesty is preserved; with a longer kilt it is not. Less is More.



  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by WClarkB View Post
    Hmmmmm, you have much experience in wearing mini-skirts?
    HO! No, one kilt that I have just looks that way in the mirror, so I adjust the fit at the waist. (Not that I have ugly knees.)

  4. #34
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    I normally have my kilts made to the mid-knee... I think either of the 3 options are very acceptable and look alright. I have, however, seen a lot of people - especially here in Scotland hide their legs with a kilt that comes even below the knee and socks pulled up past where the kilt sits... I think this looks pretty stupid!
    It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom -- for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.

  5. #35
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    I prefer my tartan kilts to end at top-of-knee or slightly higher. My UKs and AKs are all above the knee.


  6. #36
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    y SWK is a standard 24" length, which is a tad long, but if I wear it to the rib cage, as Dave suggests, then the kilt is at half way between the top of the knee and the mid point. Hmm, that feels okay by me, but my wife thinks I look like Mr. Grimly with the kilt that high. Anyone else wear it that high??
    I do. And it's very comfortable.

    As for the "Mr. Grimly" look, I have noticed that this is largely a function of what is being worn with the kilt. With a darker kilt in shades of blue and green, wearing a white (or other light-colored) shirt seems to pronounce the effect and makes it look like I'm wearing my kilt up to my armpits. But if I wear a dark shirt, it looks better to me and more natural. I suppose it's all a function of contrast in color.

    It can, of course, be compensated for by wearing a waistcoat, jacket, or something else that mostly covers the top of the kilt.

    And even the shape of what you're wearing can provide different effects too. A shirt with a large/small collar, puffy sleeves, or a narrower/wider shoulder seam can make a world of difference in how the kilt presents itself, height-wise. In general, wearing a shirt that makes your shoulders look wider while making your waist look smaller will help alleviate the visual effect of wearing the kilt up at your ribcage. Try different colors and differently tailored shirts, different sporrans and belts, stand in front of a mirror or take pictures, and evaluate what you think looks best to minimize the "Mr. Grimly" effect. You'll find something, I'm sure.

  7. #37
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    I like the midknee to the top of the knee cap. Longer is not to my taste, just as higher isn't. MOR gave the specific reasoning to why it's worn above the knee cap, and in a practical application, it makes sense.. Queens Regs or not.. These days people wear their kilts more for fashion than for trudging about the countryside on 50k walks, so if one was wearing it for such, I'd probably lean more to the higher cut.

    As for the higher waist.. I am not the slim guy I was once before, and for me, the higher waist has a slimming effect for me. I have worn the jeans waist, and had a SWK that fit at the navel, and they just did not look right to me when I looked at my photos. I have my kilts made with a two inch rise and I prefer the look and I like the comfort.. yeah it's a bit Mr Grimley, but oh so comfortable, and helps me feel slimmer..

    I would also add this... If you ask for advice, expect to get it... and it will come from all the groups, the traditionalists, the contemporary, and the I do whatever I want group... but do not discount any advice freely given... because you might actually see the reasoning is quite practical for what you are looking for.. give all advice a fair chance.
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  8. #38
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    I gather Mr. Grimley is an older gentleman. Who is he?

    And if anyone has a problem with a high-waisted kilt, they can go and jump in a lake.

  9. #39
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    Mr. Grimly: the character, from Saturday Night Live, played by Martin Short. He always had his pants pulled up to his ribs. Very funny dude. Actually, I kind of prefer my kilt at just below the rib cage, too. Cheers!

  10. #40
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    Here's a picture of Martin Short back when he played Ed Grimley in sketches.

    Best regards,


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