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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    I for one have never been a fan of the orange-red in "ancient" colours.

    I much prefer the claret-red in House of Edgar's "muted" range.

    Here's me back in the 1980's with my MacDonald muted HOE kilt. I don't know if the colours come through very well on these old photos, but in person they were lovely:

    Last edited by OC Richard; 22nd January 10 at 06:55 AM.

  2. #22
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    I wish...

    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    HOE's 'ancient' color pallet is much darker than every other mill's (Lochcarron, Bat, MM, Str) 'ancient' colors. Many customers have noted that when we show them all the different swatch books here in the shop from the different mills. It's not better or worse, just different.
    Thanks for your reflections, Rocky.

    I just really wish I could see Batley's Moven-range (16oz.) Muted MacDonald [the current front-runner] next to either of House of Edgar's Ancient or Muted tartans... I've struck out, so far, pawing through local Celtic/Scottish stores (of which there are many here in Ottawa, which abuts to Glengarry County )
    Last edited by Fit2BKilted; 24th January 10 at 06:53 AM.
    The spirit of the Declaration of Arbroath (6 April 1320) abides today, defiantly resisting any tyranny that would disarm, disperse and despoil proud people of just morals, determined to keep the means of protecting their families and way of life close at hand.

  3. #23
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    A kindred spirit in aesthetics! :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    I for one have never been a fan of the orange-red in "ancient" colours.

    I much prefer the claret-red in House of Edgar's "muted" range.

    Here's me back in the 1980's with my MacDonald muted HOE kilt. I don't know if the colours come through very well on these old photos, but in person they were lovely:

    That kilt looks great! (I wish there was a higher resolution photo available.) I presume that the kilt is in 13oz. tartan? That's the only weight HoE seems to offer their Muted colourway in nowadays. :-| I'd just got my heart set on a 16oz. kilt... Right now it seems I'll either have to rethink it, or jump in with both feet.
    The spirit of the Declaration of Arbroath (6 April 1320) abides today, defiantly resisting any tyranny that would disarm, disperse and despoil proud people of just morals, determined to keep the means of protecting their families and way of life close at hand.

  4. #24
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    MacDonald Muted

    I have a kilt in this tartan. I like it a lot. I got it at MacNaughtons in Pitlochry, Scotland.


    They make their own kilts under the name of The House of Edgar. You might want to give them a ring and talk to Dave or Allie.

    01796 472722


    Dan Woodhead

  5. #25
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    Yes that MacDonald (muted colours) kilt from the 80's was in the House of Edgar 13oz. But it had a nice substantial "feel" to it, not a flimsy kilt at all.

  6. #26
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    I may have to reconsider...

    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    Yes that MacDonald (muted colours) kilt from the 80's was in the House of Edgar 13oz. But it had a nice substantial "feel" to it, not a flimsy kilt at all.
    ...the 13oz., being a better-known quantity (around here, anyway), may not be out of the race yet. :/ I've seen a swatch of it, now, up close, so, it's staging a come-back; but, I really wish I could get a swatch of the Batley to compare it to!
    The spirit of the Declaration of Arbroath (6 April 1320) abides today, defiantly resisting any tyranny that would disarm, disperse and despoil proud people of just morals, determined to keep the means of protecting their families and way of life close at hand.

  7. #27
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    macdonald muted tartan

    Bought this kilt about a yaer ago, from House Of Edgar in 13 oz medium weight. If any doubts, get a swatch from H.O.E.

    E'en Do Spair Nacht

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