Having seen these guys several times, I cannot recommend them strongly enough! You will come out of that show smiling for hours.
Years ago they performed their own perverted version of Shakespeare's Comedy Of Errors at the Goodman Theatre here in Chicago and it stand out as one of the most chaotic and wonderful evening that I've ever spent in a theatre. Last time that I looked, the video of this production was available for viewing as a Google Video...
The lineup that was in the video that you linked to look a lot younger than the original so I assume that the older Brothers K have passed the baton to some younger fellas.
The Flying Karamazov Brothers were already a stage show and touring sensation when they went to the big screen in the movie "The Jewel of the Nile", the sequel to "Romancing the Stone", back in 1985, now some 25 years ago. That exposure only kicked them into a higher gear and greater public visibility. It would not surprise me if some of the performers had been switched out as they aged, or split into multiple troupes like the Cirque du Soleil.
I saw their stage show in 1992 with my kids, who were mesmerized for the better part of two hours, despite being only 2 and 4 years old at the time. If their current shows are anything like or better than the one I saw I can highly recommend them. I have been waiting for them to come around again on tour but must have kept missing them as I moved about the country in the intervening years.
I spent alot of time watching them at Renn faires and at 'International Juggling conventions" this was the late 70's and 80's in California & Oregon.
I last saw them about 3 years ago here in maine and it was a HOOT.
Be sure to bring something wierd for the part of the show where Paul juggle's three objects from the audience.....
Humor, is chaos; remembered in tranquillity- James Thurber