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  1. #31
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redshank View Post
    As I see it Kilt wearers fall into distinct categories here in Scotland

    1) The Old School - staunch traditionalist, Me and Jock for example,
    2) The New School - Traditionalist with a modern flare (flair?), Paul and Cessna
    3) The Hire School - Non kilt owning wearers

    4) The Desperate School

    you wont find contemporary kilts, except in Edinburgh, and he is away on holiday most of the time or so it would appear from reports on here .... there are those in the know, and those who haven't a clue except what the rental man tells them.
    I would cut that down to two categories, those that own their own kilt and those who hire one now and again. The people who own one usually have one that fits properly and know how to wear it. The others are a mixed bunch, some know somebody to keep them right and the rest - well we know about them don't we? And isn't it nice to be able to look down our noses at all those poor unfortunates who know no better?

  2. #32
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    Well said Chris. Your categories are so right. I think that the hire companies are largely responsible for the eroding of highland attire dress standards. In my book' they should be offering to educate those that could welcome some guidance as part of their service.It seems they don't care and the making of money for the least effort and consideration is all they are interested in.

    As for the last group, well, there is no hope for them. It makes me cringe, it used to make me angry, now I can't be bothered with them-------do I like it? No I damn well don't.

  3. #33
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    Jock wrote
    "We used to have many Americans come to shoot and fish here and on the whole they tried very hard to fit in. Sometimes it was very hard to persuade them that kilts were not worn on the hill,or by the river or even as every day wear."

    That's me!

    I have this belief, (Now seriously challenged) that the kilt is an outdoor garment. A rugged piece of wool that stood between a man and the elements in a wild, beautiful enviorment. I have worn it hiking and working the dogs out in the snow and wind and it performed prefectly. It seems it should be up on the hills, along with the pipes, in open air.

    The one place it does not seem to fit to me in indoors, when sitting.

    Now I find that I am completely wrong, and that in it's birthplace, the kilt is worn only as party clothes?

    This is a great, informative, although disturbing thread.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by mull View Post
    Jock wrote
    "We used to have many Americans come to shoot and fish here and on the whole they tried very hard to fit in. Sometimes it was very hard to persuade them that kilts were not worn on the hill,or by the river or even as every day wear."

    That's me!

    I have this belief, (Now seriously challenged) that the kilt is an outdoor garment. A rugged piece of wool that stood between a man and the elements in a wild, beautiful enviorment. I have worn it hiking and working the dogs out in the snow and wind and it performed prefectly. It seems it should be up on the hills, along with the pipes, in open air.

    The one place it does not seem to fit to me in indoors, when sitting.

    Now I find that I am completely wrong, and that in it's birthplace, the kilt is worn only as party clothes?

    This is a great, informative, although disturbing thread.
    The kilt is perfect as an out door garment! It is just that it is no good for stalking our red deer out on the hills. Why? When we are stalking out on the hill, as opposed to woodland, much of the time is spent on our stomachs! The deer can see for miles on these open spaces, so crawling half a mile or so to get the shot is not unusual. Believe me, once the ticks and midgies have taken a chunk out of you, the rocks, mud, water, heather stalks(like spears) have attacked you and your kilt and then the wind and rain has blown the kilt over your head umpteen times, then believe me plus 4's are the business. If you want to find out for yourself, then go ahead. At the end of the ruined day with your ruined kilt, just remember that "Jock" said: "told you so"! Oh, and for goodness sake don't even think of wearing a sporran out on the hill, stalking.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 1st March 10 at 11:07 AM.

  5. #35
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    Dual post, sorry.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 1st March 10 at 07:14 AM.

  6. #36
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    perhaps in addition to Redshank's categories is the kilt becoming more and more common amongst supporters of Scotland's football and rugby teams... part of #4 I suppose.

  7. #37
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    This is a five-star thread, gentlemen. Thanks

  8. #38
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    I'll add that when I wear my traditional kilt around Edinburgh, the locals for the
    most part ignore it and tourists ask to take pictures. When I wear my utilikilt, tourists ignore it and the locals comment on how how interesting it is (in a positive way). I've never gotten a negative comment about the uk, and only 1 you're-doing-it-wrong comment about my traditional.

  9. #39
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    The wa I see it is that about 75 percent of my friends were the kilt and own there own kilt the ones that don't are the ones that have the Scottish cringe factor or Rangers fans lol They are on the most hand made kilts with a few buying them from the cheaper shops in Edinburgh we were them casual to the football trad for nights out it depends and it is down to price for people you cant knock people for not having the right gear if they cant afford it

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by lammy d View Post
    The wa I see it is that about 75 percent of my friends were the kilt and own there own kilt the ones that don't are the ones that have the Scottish cringe factor or Rangers fans lol They are on the most hand made kilts with a few buying them from the cheaper shops in Edinburgh we were them casual to the football trad for nights out it depends and it is down to price for people you cant knock people for not having the right gear if they cant afford it
    I am not unsympathetic to the cost argument, however there are many in the highlands that are able to turn out properly in their handmedowns and there is no stigma involved with that, or what they have skimped and saved to buy and the highlands can hardly be described as being awash with money. Neither am I unsympathetic to the argument of not wanting to wear your finery to rio-- ooops sorry, football matches. It is those that attend rather quieter functions dressed appallingly in some shoddy kilt and attire, that cause great offence to many.

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